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Looking away from the bar, I look behind me too see who's staring at me but all I see is drunken bodies grinding lazily against each other.

Scanning over the swarm of bodies the atmosphere suddenly changes to a dark and dangerous, good thing I brought my hand gun with me.

Taking my leave I down the shot and move away from the bar, I move through the sea of bodies then every thing goes white and gun shots go off.

Blinking a few times I let my eyes adjust to the bright lights people are screaming and taking cover, I do the same flipping the table to its side i pull out my gun and steadily aim.

Six large men in black suits are looking around in the club searching for someone, a young girl runs out and tries to escape but one of the men grab her pull her close she screams in fear as she eyes the gun In the mans had.

The other five men loose their concentration and spare a glance at the frightened girl, I take the chance by standing up and firing my rounds hitting each of the men on the shoulder and narrowly missing the young girl.

"The next bullets are going throughout your head" I say deadly calm my face unreadable, the men hiss in pain and the man that was holding the girl drops her.

"Let everyone leave SAFELY and I'll consider not killing you all in the next ten seconds" the men just laugh.

The men give me wide grins and look beyond me making me frown, i slowly look behind me and flinch back in fear.

"Well, well little Ashley it's way past your bedtime...however did you get out of your room...princess?" He smiles sadistically at me

I swallow down the lump that was forming in my throat, I say nothing to my father which was a bad decision as he took long strides towards me and the butt of his gun came down hard then everything went black.

The following morning I groan with the worst headache I've had in a very long time, looking around the room I realise I'm in the basement tied down and spread out on a table.

The basement is dark and covered in cobwebs with one dimmed lightbulb casually swinging above me, on the cold stainless steel that I lay upon.

Dads punishment table and dads fun toys lay on a different table much smaller only holding a few knives from blunt to Razor sharp that is capable of cutting a few toes and fingers off, well in my case the tips of my toes and fingers to slowly peel back the skin.

A hot glue gun lays next to the knives already turned on and dripping hot glue, that'll soon be dripped onto me and decorated to make a "pretty necklace" well that's what dad calls it.

This is just the first little punishment for me to become daddy's good little princess it's just his way of showing "love" to his daughter, I close my eyes as I hear the door to the basement open and the squeaking of the steps due to the man that's about make father and daughter bonding time.

I hear the low dark chuckle of my father, his hand trails up my leg and squeezes my knee tightly making sure to get his fingers under my knee cap making me whimper in pain.

"Awww princess don't cry I haven't even begun the fun yet" he lets go of my knee cap and wipes away my tears, I look at him frightened as his hand comes don't hard slapping me across the face he slaps my so hard that I see stars.

Blinking away the stars I look back at the man and spit at him I smirk in triumph as it hit his face but his sickly sweet smile never fades, he just wipes it off his face and rubs it on my cheek "now is that is not a lady like this to do Ashley"

"Go to hell Mitchell! Mum left you because your the sickest man on the bloody planet!" His eyes darken and his hand smacks down upon my mouth muffling my cries and pleas for him to stop him as he tears open my shirt.

Grabbing the hot glue gun he presses it into my belly button squeezing the gun and letting the hot glue pool into my belly button then spill down my sides, I scream at the hot glue as it burn my skin he then trails the hot glue from my belly button up to my chest neck.

Mitchell makes sure to make a very large "necklace" around my neck my cries and pleas slowly go silent as the. Glue cools down and settles on my skin.

He removes his hand from my mouth "I'll be back princess Ashley just need the glue to set for a bit" he runs his disgusting hands through my hair as he places a kiss on the ends of them.

"This isn't over yet daughter" and with that he leaves the basement as I stare at the ceiling blankly knowing it's just going to get worse from here, the only way for him to stop is when he thinks I'll be a good girl or when his got another job he wants me to do.

I could be here for days maybe a week or two, I close my eyes hoping for sleep to come and save me from the hell thats about to come, but the gods weren't kind enough to let me sleep before Mitchell came back down into the basement.

"You ready for your next punishment princess" he grabs the butter knife looking at it closely probably making sure that it's blunt enough for him, just to add a lot of pressure and make horrible scars on my back just for his liking.

"Hmmm this'll have to do"

Word count: 1013









Think 😘

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