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Clair's pov

I watch Ashley leave the school as I then look at my so called mate that had been caught red handed flirting with a human girl, now I may be the alphas younger sister but I still have to call him by his title 'alpha'.

I personally think Ashley might bring out a new side to him, she seems confident and wouldn't be afraid to voice her own opinion .

The only is that she seems a  little detached with life, emotionless.
sighing I look at a very guilty looking mate, stalking towards him; he seems to cower away from me grinning, I grab him by the collar of his shirt pulling him close to me my face mer centimetres away from his.

"so babe"
looking him up and down licking my lips I stare deep into his eyes
"care to explain why you were trying to flirt with the new girl or more specifically the human?"

I all but growl at him my eyes turn black,  meaning my beast is now in control, I see drake gulp down nervously as he knows his fucked up big time.

"M-mercy?" Drake asks in a very small voice which is just too cute for the big bad vampire, I'm going to turn him into a chew toy just for little young me.
My lips curve up into a sinister, curl and wicked grin, my eyes darken even more turning in a pure black just like obsidian but a whole lot worse.

"Too late baby, your mine...now be good five hundred year old and take your punishment like a good little boy you are. I promise not to let Erica rip up to much" drakes bottom lip trembled in fear knowing that my beast Erica won't be so kind to our poor dear baby drake.


Ashley's POV

The sky seems to darken with each passing minute, the cold wind whips at her body harshly.

Ashley doesn't take notice to the black SUV that's beside her, she only then takes notice of the SUV as the window had gone down to reveal her father no her boss, Ashley pulls her bike over to the side of the road where the SUV does the same.

Ashley turns off her purring beast and gets off the bike taking her helmet off she walks to the car to greet her boss, her face emotionless and her eyes void of feelings and emotions.

"Sweet heart, I have a job for you too do for me" he all but smiles at his daughter that he had so gladly broken.

"What is that you want me to do" she asked while looking down.

"Well first of all take your helmet off" he demanded which Ashley followed through, she took her ruby red helmet off and rested it on her hip she felt her fathers fingers trace along her jawline.

"Now what I want you to do for me is, too capture and torture a man at your school, he goes by 'alpha' and is expected to show up tomorrow. Your orders are to capture and torture in the most gruesome way possible, this 'alpha' owes me a bit of money that I want you to collect. Do you understand princess?" He looked her in the eyes as he traced her fragile cheek bones with his disgusting, blood tinted fingers that reeked of death, Pain and torture.

"Yes sir" she spoke through gritted teeth as she was now putting the puzzle pieces together, the only reason as to with she was sent to school was not for her education and future but to come and deal with client that had yet to pay and is now having to pay with his or her life.

Her father smiled and kissed her forehead making Ashley want to cleanse her whole face at least twice.
"Good girl I will see you when I get home as I now have a meeting to attend to" she nodded and put her helmet back on as she walked back to her bike and turned it on making to roar to life with a deep rumble, Ashley couldn't help but get the feeling that she was being watched so she turned towards the forest giving it a long hard look as if a man or small animal would walk out.

Shaking her head she drove off home with her father heading in the opposite direction, once Ashley arrived home she kicked off her boots and headed towards her room as she still had the feeling of being watched by someone or something. She walked to her window and closed it as the temperature had now dropped to a chilly breeze that was not welcomed.

Taking the rest of her clothing off she grabbed a towel and went to her bathroom where she turned on the water, Ashley wasn't allowed to have hot or warm shower so she just had cold one like always he washed her body and hair, she then shaved her armpits and legs once done she turned the water off and dried herself.

Ashley was now in her pjs and in the kitchen where she made herself a sandwich of ham and cheese with green tea, drinking the first half of the tea she ate the first half of her ham and cheese sandwich before having the rest of her tea and sandwich. Once done she put hot water into the sink and watched it fill up with bubbles she put her cup and plate in along with the cutting board and butter knife, she than began to clean the utensils and dry them while putting them away.

It was now nine pm and Ashley had to now start on her homework and assessment for her classes, after an hours and half of her homework and assessment she completed it all except for the assessment which she would have to do in the morning to hand in for tomorrow's class.

Turning off the lights in the house she made sure to shut and lock all windows and doors in the house, heading back to her room she froze as her window was left wide open when she had closed it she hadn't been in the room since dinner and no one was home.

And it was impossible for someone to open her window as she was at the top of a skyscraper, so how could someone open her window Ashley slowly walked into her room turning on the light knowing that she was not alone in the house anymore.

Someone or something was most definitely in her room, she looked around but could see nothing out of the ordinary except for her bathroom door being left slightly ajar. Grabbing her hand gun she made her way to the bathroom door, taking aim she kicked the rest of the door open only to see drake looking at himself in the mirror but their was no reflection.

Drake's head quickly turned to face Ashley.
"Shit" was all he said before he vanished with a sharp swish of air passing past her, Ashley spun around and was just about to aim only to have a cloth press against her mouth and nose. She held her breath and tried to pull away but someone was behind a more feminine build this time Ashley struggled and tried to see who was drakes companion that was holding the cloth to her mouth.

All she saw was purple highlights...Clair, Ashley was starting to get the urge for air so she struggled against Clair and drake that only held her still. "Please Ashley just let it happen" Clair's voice was soft and weak as Ashley took a breath of air and slowly went limp in the arms of Clair and drake before she was surrounded by darkness.

"If the alpha touches her in anyway I'll kill him" Clair said in anger.

"And I'll have your back now  let's get her to the pack house and away from James" drake said.

Who's James Ashley thought as she was swept away into the world of dreams and nightmares.

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