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Ashley walked opened the door once hearing a gruff and slightly annoyed voice greet her to let her into the class, she walked into the class subconsciously pulling her leather jacket more around her small form.

The sharp intakes of air was heard all around the room, some students even stared at her with hungry eyes while others looked worried maybe angry? No it was sympathy.

Have they already somehow seen her scars, no that would be impossible as the only scars are on her back and inside her heart Ashley looked up at the teacher who looked to be in his early twenties fresh out of college.

"Hello miss" the teacher began to start

"It's Ashley sir" the tall man nodded his eyes going faded for a second but he was quick to look away and let out a low rumbling growl as did some of the other students even a petty weak looking girl did, maybe this school isn't so normal.

"Well Ashley I'm Mr Johnson but there is no need to be formal so you can call me Daniel" he smiles which is strangely perfect but maybe a bit to bright

"Mr Johnson it is" Ashley replied which made Daniels smile fade slightly earning a few awwws from the girl and snickers from the guys, sighing she looked for a free spot to sit once finding a seat she took it and sat down playing the the ends of her jacket.

"Ok Ashley why don't you tell us a bit about yourself"  she sighed hating these stupid unnecessary meet and greet, get to know you introductions but what the hell she might as well say somethings about herself she'll only know these people for a year then be on with her life.

"Well my names Ashley I'm sixteen and my mothers dead, I have no siblings and I'm not interested in having a relationship with anyone that also includes friendship" smiling innocently she leans back into her seat.

Mr.Johnson looks at her with mixed emotions that Ashley couldn't identify, shaking his head Mr.Johnson went on with home room talking about someone named alpha weird name right?

No sooner had home room ended by the bell so did her other two classes which was math and science, Ashley didn't mind those classes they were actually her favourite but if course she wouldn't show her true colours, as she was to be the emotionless perfect daughter to avoid getting raped again.

Putting her books away in her locker she closed the locker and flinched as a tall boy stood uncomfortably Close to her, he licked his lips and Ashley's eyes only took glance frowning as she saw fangs did Halloween come early?

"Hey babe" he purred which caught the attention of a girl with long beautiful light brown hair with purple highlights, the purple highlights girl walked up to the boy hitting pretty damn hard in the balls ouch.

"And who do you think your calling babe, babe" anger loud and clear in her voice the boy groaned as purple highlights hand gripped the poor  guys balls tightly making him yelp like a pup that just fell from the couch, I frown not knowing that a man well not really maybe a horny boy would suit him better well I didn't know a boy could make a sound like a pup.

Purple highlights turn and faced me smiling brightly at me I also took note that the boys balls was still held hostage in her hand, with the girls other hand she offered it out to me "Clair Loose but please call me Clair I apologise about my boyfriend"

"D-drake windfall nice to meet you" he groaned out to me I nodded my hand and shook Clair's hand not smiling back "nice to meet. You I'm Ashley"

"No last name" drake asked as his knees begin to give way beneath him due to his girlfriend mostly like crushing their future together, shaking my head I pulled my hand back and walked off outside not bothering to eat lunch.

"Now look what you did dog breath! You scared the human off now alpha is going to kick our asses!" Clair whisper shouted, again with the alpha thing and now their calling me human well thats just great now what's up with this school and why do people have to make out in public and practically have sex with each other in public with their clothes on is one of the many mysteries I will never find out.

Ashley groaned realising she had gym class next and she didn't have spare clothes to wear, finally taking off her leather jacket the wind cooled down her body Ashley then sat down next to a tree leaning against she closed her eyes letting the sunlight kiss her pale skin.

As time went on the bell went indicating that Ashley had to make her way to gym class, as she made her way to class she made sure to put her jacket with her helmet which were both now located in her locker.

Continuing on her way to class she passed several guys earning wolf whistles, Ashley rolled her eyes hating this kind of attention soon she was in the basket ball stadium a class full of the popular kids but hey Clair and drake were there.

Ashley went to go up to them but then second guessed herself she was meant to be the perfect daughter, moving to the back of the group Clair still managed to get close to Ashley by partnering up with her for stretches today's lesson was track and field due to the schools upcoming cross country.

After stretching we had to compete. against other groups Clair and Ashley were buddy up together...again.

Getting into lines Ashley was the first to go run against the first group of people, surprisingly they were all guys and the girls just hung out at the back sighing Ashley got ready for the whistle to go off.

This would be easy she thought as she closed her eyes and relaxed her muscles her heart beat picking up but slowing down at the same time, the whistle went and her eyes snapped open as she took off keeping up with the guys with ease taking a deep breath in she went faster getting in front of them cheers erupted from the side lines telling her to go faster as the guys picked up the pace.

Her  arms were pumping as she got to the last one hundred meters ashley broke into a sprint her lungs burning with need to stop fifty meters were left she kept pushing herself getting closer and closer her victory was snatched up as drake went flying past her followed by another guy from class.

Breathing heavily Ashley came in third her legs gave out beneath her Clair came up to her with a stupid grin on her face, helping Ashley up she took her to get a drink. "That was awesome ash where did you learn to run?" Nickname huh?

"Umm I used to do cross country when I was little" another lie she was forced to run for hours upon end on with her dad driving behind her to get her to keep going.

Clair smiled down at her Ashley gave a weak smile back "it's your turn isn't it?"

"Yeah but I think they can do with out me besides I'm too lazy to run and my make up will sweat off me" rolling her eyes Ashley pulled her hair up into a high ponytail.

"You think alpha would like to see a human around here?" A passing group of friends whispered to themselves as they walked by.

Again with the alpha thing looks like he has a huge reputation around here and doesn't like newbies.

Loved by the mafia alphaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz