Chapter 3: Changes

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AJ:"So what's your plan for The Shield?"

Nicky:"To avoid them completely. I hate them and they hate me. Vince is thinking about dropping the angle anyway."

Seth's POV

We walk over to Vince's office.

Dean:"Alright, what you're gonna do is, continue the storyline with Nicky."

Vince:"You don't run the show, I do."

Seth:"Listen old man, you are gonna do what we say or bad things will happen to you."

Vince:"What do you want."

Seth:"Continue the storyline."

Roman:"And we're not gonna use a script for this, we will take it where we want it to go." Roman pushes Vince off the chair.

Seth:"Make it happen, old man."

Dean:"Oh, and don't tell Nicky."

We leave and go to our locker room.

Nicky POV

I go down to Vince's office.

Nicky:"So, about the storyline."

Vince:"It's dead."


I go to my locker room and start getting ready for my match.

AJ:"So, is the storyline still going."


AJ:"That's cool, good luck on your match."

Nicky vs Rosa Mendez

(Skip match)

I kick her in the head and the shield's music hits. I throw her out of the ring and over the announce table.

Nicky:"Go away!" They stand around the ring. I throw Rosa back in the ring and put her in the Death Star. She taps out and I look over to The Shield.

Nicky:"Get away from me!"

Dean:"Why are you always so tense."

Seth:"Yeah, loosen up babe."

Nicky:"Look, I don't like you guys and you guys don't like me. So, stay away from me."

Seth:"We don't want to leave you alone."

Dean:"Yeah, you can say you've caught our eye."

Nicky:"STAY AWAY from me, you know what you're not worth my time." I go backstage and I bump into Roman.

Nicky:"Watch where you're going." Roman puts his hands around my waist and looks me in the eyes.

Roman:"You know you should be nicer to us."

Nicky:"M-move the hand bef-fore you l-lose the han-nd." I push him back and walk away. I go to the divas locker room.

Nicky:"Hey ladies."

Cameron:"What was that thing with Roman."

Nicky:"Nothing, it's just his eyes are like prefect and I don't know. I just- he was just- he is pretty sexy though."

Naomi:"I knew you liked him."

Nicky:"I don't like him. I hate him and I always will."

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