Chapter 9: Shock

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Cameron:"Here's your man, now." Roman wraps his arms around me from behind.

Roman:"I need to talk to you, real quick."

Nicky:"Okay, be right back girls." Roman takes me just outside the door.

Roman:"Apparently, Vince changed the script. I'm gonna have to be an ass to you."

Nicky:"Did Seth tell you?"

Roman:"Yeah, why?"

Nicky:"He was lying. He is trying to break us up. He probably told you not to tell me too."

Roman:"Oh, now it makes sense. What are we gonna do, then?"

Nicky:"Where gonna do the "script change" and act like we hate each other and everything. We're just gonna hide this from everyone."

Roman:"Good idea, eliminates all the extra drama." Roman kisses me.

Roman:"We're still on for tonight right."

Nicky:"Of course."

Naomi:"You two are adorable."

Nicky:"Yeah, I guess we are."

Layla:"So is he as dominate as everyone says he is."

Summer:"Yeah, did he tear it up." We all start laughing.

Nicky:"First, you guys are crazy, second, he totally is, like very dominate, hair-pulling, very rough, but he's very sweet and soft and nice at the same time."

Nikki:"That explains how your hair has been a mess recently."

Nicky:"I've been fixing it, but things would happen and I'd rush and it would look decent."

Cameron:"Summer and Layla, you guys are too single."

Naomi:"If they thought all that they need a date right now." We all start laughing again.

Roman vs Heath Slater

(Skip match)

Roman hits a spear, and wins. Nicky comes out.

Nicky:"I just wanted to say, that I-"

Roman:"Shut up, and leave. I don't like you!" I glare at him and go backstage. Roman comes back later and we go to his locker room.

We clean up grab our stuff and start driving to the restaurant. We sit down and order. We talk for hours and leave.

Roman:"I really like talking to you."

Nicky:"I love talking to you, too. We should do this more often."

As we're walking to the car, Roman kisses me and pushes me against the car. The kiss intensifies and he pulls away. He leans against me and I feel his breathe on my neck. He whispers in my ear.

Roman:"I need you now." God, his deep voice is so seductive. We drive back to the hotel. Roman kisses me again and opens the door. He pushes me onto the bed...

(Next Week)

The Shield vs Dolph Ziggler & Sheamus & Mark Henry

(Skip match)

Seth hits Blackout and wins. They attack Mark with chairs and hit a triple powerbomb. Nicky comes out.

Nicky:"Hey Roman, I just wanted to-"

Roman:"Didn't I tell you last week to get the hell out of my face! I don't like you, nor would I ever like someone as stupid as you." I glare at him and Paige comes out. What the hell is she doing here?

Paige:"Good job, Sethie. Now, take them out."

Seth hits Roman with a chair and then attacks Dean with the chair. Paige attacks me and throws me out of the ring. She hits a few headbuts and I push her off. I throw her into the barricade.

I turn my attention to Seth and attack him. Randy and Kane pull me off of him. I slap Randy and kick Kane. I slide out of the ring. Randy starts attacking Roman and I grab a chair and hit Randy.

Kane grabs me and hits a chokeslam. Paige gets in the ring and hits a Paige Turner. She puts me in the PTO and throws me on the ground when I tap.

Love Hate (wwe the shield fan fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ