Chapter 11: Secerts

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Dean:"So, The Authority wants us to face some challenges, so they can protect their little henchmen."

Nicky:"Like always The Authority or should I say Seth and Paige hide behind other people and can't fight their own battles. So, I guess I'll just have to take down the entire division to get to her and that's fine."

Roman:"We are more than ready for these challenges, and you can believe that." Stephanie comes out.

Stephanie:"Great, since you're so ready, Dean your first challenge is right now."

Dean vs Mark Henry

(Skip match)

Mark Henry hits the Worlds Strongest Slam. Mark starts attacking Dean and Roman and me run out. Roman starts attacking him and I throw a couple of chairs in the ring. They clear the ring and Stephanie comes out.

Stephanie:"Next, Roman will fight Big Show and Kane."

Roman vs Big Show and Kane
(Skip match)
Roman hits the superman punch on Big Show, and Kane kicks him in the face. They start styling Roman and I kick Kane in the side. That barely stuns him so I go to kick him again, and he grabs my foot. He grabs my neck for a chokeslam. Roman goes to spear Kane, but Kane pushes me in the way. Roman spears me, and Kane chokeslams him.

Stephanie:"Nicky will fight Cameron, Natalya, Tamina, and Layla."

Roman:"You alright?"

Nicky:"Yeah, just a little hurt, but I'll manage."

Roman:"Im sorry."

Nicky:"It's fine babe."

Nicky vs Tamina, Natalya, Cameron, and Layla

(Skip match)

Tamina goes to kick me and I duck so she hits Layla. Cameron attacks me from behind and Natalya puts me in the sharpshooter. I try to crawl to the ropes but, she pulls back to the center of the ring. I tap out and Roman goes to check on me.

Roman:"How are you?"

Nicky:"Just a little pain, but we can handle The Authority."

Dean:"And we will."

Paige:"Awww, that's nice. You guys think you can win."

Seth:"You can't touch us, remember that."

Paige:"Hey, Nicky. I just wanted to let you now that I have dirt on you that I know you don't want exposed."

Nicky:"You don't know anything about me."

Paige:"What about a little secret that you've kept from years ago. Like something that happen about 10 years ago. If you don't want me to expose it to the world, you will do exactly what I say."

Nicky:"Fine, I'll do whatever you want."

Dean:"What are you doing?!"

Nicky:"I'm sorry I just can't- I'm sorry."

Paige:"Good. Now come up here with me and let's go backstage." I follow her, and whisper "Im sorry" to Roman and Dean.

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