23. Sinners and Saints

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tyger tyger burning bright,

in the forests of the night:

what immortal hand or eye,

dare frame thy fearful symmetry?

william blake


I was hugging my knees to my chest on the bed as my mother ran her fingers softly through my hair. I thoroughly enjoyed when someone played with my hair; but now, not even that could make me forget, not even that could take my mind off what had happened. Someone killed Avery. Damian was in prison. Avery was dead.

Avery was dead.

She started to braid it with gentle movements. I looked at my furry little Persian cat curled near me, sleeping peacefully. I often wish I were in his place.

"There's nothing to talk about." I contended numbly.

"You lost a friend. That's not nothing." she countered.

"She was murdered."

My mother stopped whilst still holding my hair. She let it fall on my back and sighed.

"That is horrible. The poor family. I know I wouldn't survive if something like that..." she cut herself short, shaking her head. "It's a terrible tragedy. I'm sure the police are doing everything they can to capture the one responsible."

"Like arresting innocent people." I mumbled sardonically under my breath, but loud enough for her to hear me.

She positioned herself in front of me and tucked a dark blonde streak behind her ear. She looked tired, and I noticed some wrinkles around her eyes that I hadn't noticed before.

"Did Ellie tell you?"

"So you did know that Damian was incarcerated. But you lied to me and told me that he went home." I glowered at her, and she stirred slightly under my fierce scrutiny. I immediately felt bad. I shouldn't have been too harsh on her; after all, I was sure she meant well.

"It was a good-intended lie. That is no excuse, but honey, you were devastated that day. You needed to rest, but if I told you about Damian, you would've stayed there and demanded that you see him. I did what I had to do to protect you."

"I know." I said to her surprise with a defeated sigh. "I wish you would've told me the truth, but I understand. I don't know how I'd have handled that. But still, don't lie to me ever again. Please."

"Of course." she nodded, leaning in to plant a kiss on my forehead. "I promise."

My phone buzzed. I reached for it and read Joseph's message:

Hello, Rose. I'll pick you up at 5 PM.

I noticed my mom's inquisitive expression.

"It's Joseph."

"Oh! Sure. But Rosabel, until Damian's in the clear, I'd rather you stayed away from that family. I don't need the police affiliating our name with theirs."

"What?" I frowned, feeling pique rising in my chest. "Mom, he's innocent. You know that. I don't care what anyone else says or thinks."

"Of course he is, dear. But think about our restaurant. It's better if we stay out of this and lay low." she averred.

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