Being Anna Marie part 6

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(So I’m dedicating this chapter to my new fan bella_lastrange because this person was very urgent for me to upload lol, but also I’d like to send out a special thanks to Kirbyx for taking the unpaid job of being my unofficial editor lol did you notice I said unpaid? So with that said I made this a little longer just for you! Lol Enjoy...)

The pain was immediate and callously unforgiving as I tried unsuccessfully to ignore the sharpness of its claw ripping against my skin. Tears clouded my vision while breathing became secondary to the burning in my chest. Raising my arms in my pathetic attempts to push it away only seemed to scold my palms, its surface instantly becoming inflamed, reddened, bubbling engorged blisters.

I could taste my own blood gushing from my open cuts, spewing into my screaming mouth. My mind quickly became plagued with confusion, my sight frayed at its edges as all awareness of reality began to slip from my grasp. I knew soon the eternal darkness would come take siege of my soul as I watched the demon pause in its vicious attack to physically place his repulsive lips to my gashes, sucking and savoring every essential essence I seemed to possess.

Was this really it? Was this how I was meant to die?

Andrea wasn’t coming, not that I had any forlorn idea that she ever would, and submerged in darkness I felt as if I would soon join her.

The act of taking in oxygen into my burning lungs was becoming too insufferable. The sight of my blood soaked chest continuing to rise in slow succession frightened me, and to my sluggish brain the very idea of breathing now becoming too tedious to resume. Screaming became pointless, arduous to carry on, and soon the only thing to come from my lips was a tiny trail of blood and the faint sound of wheezing. With eyes barely open watching this repugnant beast continue to devour my open chest I raised a weak hand to my forehead, my mind leaving what remained of my ravaged form searching hysterically for some miniature part of me that remained intact from within.

I gasped; my body shuddering irrepressibly. The evil being raised its bloody jaws to gaze at my pale face as I finally took hold of the tiniest fraction of the power I held inside, ability until this bleak, desolate moment I never knew I obtained. From inside me I could feel trances of the liquid Andrea had once forced me to consume. I felt it travel within my veins, slither along my bones, glide against my muscles. Its stroke warmed every crevice it touched; tingles erupting from its mere contact while every cut, bruise, and abrasion I had endured healed before my very eyes.

“No …it is not possible,” The creature hissed, his gaze furious and yet astonished at my now untarnished skin, the only remembrance of the attack was the red liquid I lied in, the same substance that still dripped from his teeth. “What have you done?”

My gaze met his, watching his angry expression transform into something of pure detestation as he raised a bloody talon directly over my head.

“No,” I cried, my eyes never leaving that hovering claw.

“Let us watch you heal a severed head!”

I raised my hands, a feeble endeavor to cover myself while inadvertently unleashing a scorching, searing, blinding energy from my palms. My fingers and arms quivered at the sheer strength it took to control this power as it continued to burn like acid from my skin. The mere touch of this force on the demon’s dilapidated skin liquefied its surface, blisters and boils instantly sprouting around the edges of his sores while huge gashes seemed to rip him in two.

Sweat coursed down my skin in a multitude of jagged trails, my body growing weak at trying to restrain it. I could feel the power growing bolder as it surpassed my weak hold I held on it, watching helplessly as it hurled the beast from my side, pinning it to the wall near my feet. It screamed a sound so excruciatingly agonizing that even I wondered how it could continue to live. Tears fell from my lids from the pain of the sweltering heat bounding from my hands as I watched the literal combustion of this demon; its melting skin, its eyes pained, bleak as they gazed into mine, and oh god the smell. The scent of charred skin, an odor I knew I would never be able to disregard.

Being Anna MarieWhere stories live. Discover now