Being Anna Marie part 10

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(Hey guys, can you believe I'm actually uploading lol show of hands on who thought I would.... yeah me neither lol just kidding... Anyways...I wanted to dedicate this upload to sayruq because this person is so loyal to this story and sent me a message which I was actually having a crappy day and it totally lifted my spirits and made me want to write lol also sayruq to add to your discussion I say cut it off (inside joke) lol... so I hope sayruq and you guys enjoy this...)

My vision remained blurred by enraged tears as pink walls seemed to tremble chaotically around us, the white porcelain sink split in two as the earth opened up quaking the very foundation we stood on.

"Anna," I heard Andrea cry as she tried to hold onto anything in reach that would stop her from crumbling helplessly to the shuddering ground and yet her voice remained a silent buzz in the back of my mind as fury consumed my very being and what was once a copious abundance of colors now seemed tarnished, everything lined in blood as I felt the remnants of shadows lurking beneath the surface of my skin conquering what was once white in my eyes, the hazel quickly smothered until all remaining became stained with red, the tears that lined my face now the appearance of blood dripping from my chin.

Soon the image of the younger Andrea crying excruciatingly before me was torn from my sight like puzzle pieces snatched apart dissolving before my very eyes in anticipation of complete darkness transcending my vision only to evaporate like smoke in the wind as the forest came back into view and once again we found ourselves standing back in the peaceful solitude of the balcony. And yet there was no harmony to be found.

There was no beauty in the tranquil exquisiteness of nature surrounding us, an absence of serenity in the bird's gentle songs they sung from the tree branches above, a sudden blindness to the magnificence of the dark blends of azures as it combined with pinks and oranges and whites as the sun dipped further from the sky intent on its reunion with the earth's crust. Everything now appeared grey, dark, colorless as secrets unearthed from shadows and what was once believed to be innocent now remained polluted with unnecessary cruelty.

Urgent arms grasped my shoulders, Andrea's panicked face taking over my view, "Anna, you have to end this now before it's too late! I need you," she begged, "You are all I have left, and after all I have done for you I am asking you to stop! I can not lose you too!"

Her words were like water thrown on fire, my eyes closed extinguishing the inner blaze instantly and when my lids reopened I could see the relief in Andrea's gaze at seeing my normal hazel orbs. "Do you think she knew?"

My sister sighed, her hands running tiredly through her blonde hair before her brain registered that I had spoken, "Do I think who knew?"


"Anna, no," Andrea quickly answered and yet now as her gaze stared off into the distance she appeared unsure. "She couldn't have."

"Drea, I've been in her memories. The perfume bottle... the one she gave you. The scent, she had it made for you. It was on his clothes when he went back to their room-."

"Anna, stop it! She didn't know," Andrea insisted, her eyes furious as they gazed back at me.

"But she had to have smel-."

"No! Mom is a lot of things but she wouldn't-, she couldn't have..." she began only to trail off, sadness lingering in her stare. As if in a disorientated daze she couldn't escape Andrea turned from me, her body became stationary staring out at everything and yet seeing nothing. And then suddenly she spoke and yet her tone was so oddly detached, "Anna, I need you to do me a favor?"

Her unexpected request seemed unusual especially her sudden lack of emotion. It was like a switch had abruptly been cut off inside her, and it frightened me wishing I had never thoughtlessly asked the question in the first place, and yet after everything that had just been revealed to me how could I ever deny any of her wishes.

Being Anna MarieWhere stories live. Discover now