Being Anna Marie part 35

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Rationale seemed to be a thing of the past as rage obliterated my better judgment. It made the notion of forgiveness seem impossible as the surge of black power continued to attack the white barrier. Storm clouds gathered along the horizon before branching out to cover the sky. Thunder rumbled like a bomb refusing to be ignored as the gathering tempest eclipsed all glimpses of sunlight. The wind gushed through curls whilst plastering my clothes to my stationary form as lightening stuck the earth and tree branches snapped churning with blossoms exhumed ascending to swirl chaotically around me.

Horrid visions commandeered my mind of past demons chewing into tender flesh, of my sister uncontrollably weeping upon the mattress as my stepfather left her to lie in the midst of her sacrifice, of Abby struggling to breathe choking on her own life force that continued to spill from her gaping wound. Every hellish memory seemed to feed my uncontainable need to destroy everything within this place; it nourished my desire to obliterate the obstruction currently standing within my path. Black liquid continued to pour in droves from the tips of my fingernails to coat the blockade as if intent to smother its surface. It seeped pass its exterior until like an explosive ignited the dome discharged. Immense white sparks floated out around me like massive trickles of luminescent snow flakes.

My form still hovering inches from earth floated easily pass the wreckage whilst unearthing the magnificence of nature’s beauty from all sides. Massive trunks uplifted from soil only to crash into others, the sound deafening even over the roar of the storm above. The ground quaked beneath my wrath as the earth continued to split, a gigantic splinter forming along blossoms enveloping nature’s splendor as it expanded. Water rushed to ebb beneath my feet knowing even without glimpsing its pounding waves that even the lake was not immune to my influence. My body halted only at the sudden multitude of explosions of luminous white light appearing taking the form of several guardians now blocking my passage. I lowered myself to the ground as my eyes once again collided with those of a robed man I had not too long ago met here while with my father.

He stepped forward to confront my vehemence, his sense of morality forcing him to be brave. “You shouldn’t be here, Anna Marie.”

I snickered; a sound devoid of true humor as I mocked in a voice far deeper than my customary tone, “and where exactly should I be? Tell me oh so wise protector, aren’t I as pure as you? Does not a warrior’s linage lie within my blood?”

His jaw hardened, his chin rising haughtily even as fear managed to trickle into his blue gaze. Oh, how I felt his fear call to me. It begged for my assistance in plundering beneath the fragile barrier of skin to sample the delectable flavor of terror. I swallowed the impulse with true difficulty.

“As does a demon’s ancestry taint the core of your being,” he insulted plainly. “I think it’s blatantly obvious from the clear destruction of such a tranquil place whose side you have chosen.”

Being Anna MarieWhere stories live. Discover now