Sort of a Sibling Rivalry

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  "Damn it Sesshomaru!"

Inuyasha yelled, kagome looked sown and sighed.

   "Leave it alone, we will catch up to him calm down"

    "Don't tell me what to do!!"

Kagome lifted a brow and inuyasha sweat dropped

    "SIT BOY!!!"

    "You didn't tell me you had a brother"

    "I didn't feel the need to"

(f/n) sighed

     "You know, as to the fact your going to eat me I would like to know a bit more about my consumer" see what I did there? lol

She chuckles and Sesshomaru looks down at her with a cold stair making (f/n) shiver.

  "do you now?"

    "on second thought..."

   "my father was the great Inu no Taishō" ok so I couldn't find his name but he is referred to inu no taisho or the dog general

(f/n) gasped

  "I don't believe that"

   "Why not?"


Sesshomaru blinked and f/n sighed

   "you look a lot like your father, I will give you that"

He nods Rin was tailing behind, She didn't want to here what they were talking about, not one bit.

   Inuyasha sniffed the air and his ear twitched, kagome looked up at him with a cocked brow

   "What is it Inuyasha?"

He began to blush and looked down.

   "I smell...peaches"

   "I didn't bring Any, IS there a vendor"

   "No, not that type of peach-"

He sighs eating his noodles

  "Can you elaborate more please?"

   "I, it's hard to explain...I also smell Sesshomaru near by.."

Kagome sighed

  "He took our shards kagome..."

Then it his him


Kagome sweat drops

   "what's do you mean? CANT WE JUST ENJOY ONE MEAL-"

   "You do.t understand! I KNOW WHAT HE IS PLANNING!! IYS EVIL!"

  "what makes this any more special then all hos other evil deeds?"

"This is different!  Oh man!! Kagome we have to go now! "

  "I swear if this is jist because you want to try and fight your brother again-"

Inuyasha eyes weren't filled with the normal hard headed determination, no they were filled with worry and anxied. Kagome read this and looked down

   "well...what are we waiting for"

Kagome asked getting up and dusting her dress off. Inuyasha nodded carrying her and dashing off to his brother.

   "well, I'm an only child my father was a farmer and my mother she, was I guess a spiritual guide, she caught yukai small demons I mean she had to, they always would bother me as a child"

F/n blinked looking down. Sesshomaru looked at her and then stopped walking.

   "Hold on tight"

He said holding out his hand waiting deflecting inuyashas incoming blow. Wind gusted every ware. f/n shrieked into sesshomarus chest. Rin clung to his legs doing the Same.

   "Sesshomaru you sneaky bastard!"

"Brother, didn't you just learn your lesson? Will you never understand?"

   "I came here for the shards

Kagome bit her lip Angerly really, it didn't seem like a dire situation at the moment, She noticed the beautiful girl that Sesshomaru held and sighed. Iys probably about that girl she sweat dropped.

   "you can't have both the senka maiden and the shards!"

   "I intend to"


Inuyasha snarled.

  "sesshomaru- I dont"

f/n looked at him who was smirking profoundly

  "inuyasha what are you talking about!"

Kagome complained

  "let me guess you liked her and out came Sesshomaru? You are really going to far with this rivalry!"

   "Kagome, you wouldn't understand-She isn't just a girl the is the senka maiden"

   "This goes far beyond any sibling rivalry or hatred, but a mortal girl like you wouldn't understand"

Sesshomarus grin widened and he took out a blade And gripped one of f/n's writs slashing it. Inuyasha watched gtiting his teeth. F/n became pale as Sesshomaru sucked some of hee fishing blood, he licked the wound healing it some of her blood still dripping down his lip.

  f/n faints in his arms and placed her by Rin, power courses through his body and he laughed maniacally.

   Kagome watched petrified and confused of what happened.     she looked at the girl and felt bad for her and then at rin who had a  hateful stair towards f/n's unconscious body.

   "just with that sip I feel the power coursing throughout  my body"

    "Sesshomaru you are sick! Keeping her as a snack for when you need it! what happened.da when she runs out of blood?"

   "I eat what's left of her"

Inuyasha gritted his teeth and took out his sword

   "I want my shards- I will kill the senka maiden if you don't give them to me!"

   "what makes you think I would allow you to even touch her?"

   "Inuyasha you can't kill the girl, she has obviously done enough!"

Kagome pleaded.

"He won't be able to hurt her,"

Rin growled dragging f/n's body away and into the middle of the woods

  "I Hope you die out here!"

Rin ran back to the fight seen to find Inuyasha and Kagome with no  shards as well as Sesshomaru looking around

  "where's f/n!"

Sesshomaru grew worried and inuyasha ran towards her sent

  "There she is"

Kagome pointed

   "we can't let  sesshomaru take  her unless he gives us the shards...kagome take her to the future with you!"

Kagome looked at him and nods taking her back to the future Sesshomaru caught up with Inuyasha.


Sesshomaru x Reader (lemon) Beneath the beastWhere stories live. Discover now