§† Prologue †§

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On a small green world, in a dark corner of a galaxy known as, Pegasus. A young human girl named, Sinisa; lived a fairly uneventful and peaceful rural life with her family. For fifteen year's she went to bed, being told stories about the monstrous Wraith but she never paid them any mind. Her village was small and untouched by outside interference, for her short life. So as any child would do, she pushed her boundaries far past, what she safely should have.

Sinisa (sin-is-a) had a happy childhood filled with modest adventure's, with the other village children. She was by far the most curios and she tended to be braver, then most of the boys her age. A young boy named Johab had just started courting her and the two of them, where expected to wed; when they where old enough.

The threat of the Wraith was everywhere. Trader's spoke of it often but it never stopped Sinisa from exploring. A farmer's daughter at fifteen, she only had one care in the world. Once her daily chore's where done, she dreamed of the day when Johab would finally gain the courage to passionately kiss her. Unfortunately, Sinisas father was strict, so it kept Johab a respectful and proper young man, for sometime.

Sinisa and Johab where far away from the village when they heard the strange sound. Like a snake hissing in the wind above them. Followed by a huge bug like object soaring through the sky. The whole ordeal terrified both of them.

"Wraith?" Sinisa whispered. When she turned Johab was already running toward's the village. "Well that is awfully courageous. I hope you're running to warn the village." She muttered to herself, as she started to move her feet. Fear took hold of her belly and she moved through the forest as fast as she could. When she came to the clearing near the fields, she stopped, frozen in horror.

The flying bugs where in fact small pointy metal ship's that buzzed all around the village. Beam's of blue and white light made running villagers disappear before her eye's. Explosion's in the distance made her afraid to step out into the open. Ball's of lighting seamed to chase everyone around, the source was a large number of tall dark figures. She could hardly make them out from this distance.

"Johab!"Sinisa did not think when she saw him run into the open field, she just followed him. "Johab!" She yelled again. When he finally turned to see her standing only a few feet from him he just seamed to look past her. He just shook his head 'no' and ran away from her quickly. Sinisa turned to see what Johab was so afraid of, when she was engulfed in a bright blue light. The sensation was only a spilt second long, then she felt nothing.

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