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Noone saw the HiveMaster for several day's. He secluded himself to quarters for some unshared reason. Knight knew it had something to do with Sinisa. It was most likely, she was unable to follow him about the Hive. The Queen had long since, ordered the HiveMaster to keep the human next to him at all time's. It seamed, the HiveMaster was confined to quarter's until the human recovered.

The Queen kept a newborn infant close to her. It was odd behavior but as alway's, the Queen was not questioned. Anyone who did question her, did not live to speak about it. It was the perfect time for two insignificant live's to escape the Hive unnoticed.

Jessy left the Hive at the next opportunity, with the infant female. The Architect, chose not to see the infant again. Burying the first memory of her, would be difficult enough. The ClothMaker disagreed, but did not push the issue. The twig of a Wraith was certain he could protect the child and also reunite them one day.


"How can you tolerate, being parted from your Parvana?" The Architect asked as he watched a ship leave sensor range on the monitor. He had patched the current sensor readings to his quarter's. The image would mean nothing to the Queen, should she ever find it, but it would be everything to him. He turned to look at the ClothMaker when he did not get an answer to his question.

"There are ways." The ClothMaker examined his bulkier Wraith companion closely. The Architect had been calm since the he had held his own child in his hands. However, the thin Wraith was certain, this was the calm before the storm.

"How can you even stand the thought of it?" The Architect looked confused.

"You should not compare our situation's. I have known my chosen for many lifetime's. And I have had opportunity to prepare. I can be without my mate, for some time." The ClothMaker purred cautiously.

"Year's...it should not be possible. The thought of it..." He could not even imagine what it would be like to be parted from his soul for so long. His own situation ripped at his soul.

"Decades. Possibly even a lifetime. I am aware, of what we have done here."The ClothMaker looked the Architect over carefully, then let out a forgiving sigh. "Perhaps it is time I introduce myself. My name is Tareth." He watched as the Architect's face changed from irritated, to confused, then to stunned.

"No male is that old. What are you playing at?" The smaller Wraith gasped tone-fully.

"As new males are born, the slightly older more experienced, seek to honor their Queen. Warrior's die needlessly, replaced easily. I am not a warrior..." He grinned playfully. "I assure you I was born to a much different generation of Wraith."

"What does any of this, have to do my question?"

"Sometime during the last Great War we stopped giving meaning to our name's. We forgot how to form true bond's... We even fail to trust one another." He grumbled. Then he took a deep tone-full breath. "I am, from a time, when such things where plentiful. A natural bond was understood, even cherished. The sickness you fear is manageable, especially, for one who's bond has been sealed by lifetime's." The tall thin Wraith who named himself Tareth just grinned happily.

"You did not need to reveal your name to explain that." The Architect stated as he tried to figure-out what the ClothMaker was up too.

"I have already chosen my mate, there is little need for...secret's. Beside's, revealing my age has saved the need for long winded explanation's. Don't you agree, Knight?"

"When?"The smaller Wraith jumped to his feet and hissed at Tareth.

"I would not go so far as to call you foolish, rash maybe... You do tend to ramble, when you are upset." The ClothMaker stepped towards Knight's advancing growl. "Was I wrong to believe, we are Brother's?" Tareth hissed in return.

Forbidden FruitOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora