§† TWELVE †§

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The greatest difficulty in the Wraiths plan was how to reach the human male. Johab remained close to either the HiveMaster or the Queen, at all time's. They needed something to separate the human. Any attempt's to pull the human away by distraction or duty had failed. The Hive Commander would not permit anyone's else command of that particular human.

So, the cunning Wraith's plan was to make the human male separate himself. To do this effectively Sinisa needed to be at Knight's side, out among the Hive. 'I am certain the Hive commander did not inform that human of everything. He will be surprised to see you alive. I will tell the Queen you're injuries left you distraught possibly even mindless and unable to leave our quarter's. This will give us the opportunity to show the human how much you have truly recovered.

I will help you haunt his mind. Every corner he turn's and every passage he take's, you will be there. Even in moment's of solitude, the darkness will betray him. He will never run away from you again, my precious Sin. If you can truly trust me, I will make certain the madness, will drive him to us.'  The Wraiths plan was clear, he was going to cloak her presence from everyone, except the human male.

For underling's or anyone insignificant, Sinisa played the role of concubine with ease. Wraith tended to be extremely, personal by nature. Walking into an intimate exchange, usually sent any underling the other direction without question. Knight quickly started to look forward to Sinisa repeated kisses. Every time anyone, human or Wraith, rounded a corner near them. Sinisa would look into, her masters yellow slot tedeye's, each time with compassion. Her fear of this particular Wraith a distant memory.

The first part of the plan was simple, Knight would take Sinisa out into the Hive unnoticed. They would linger close to the Human male, and the cunning Wraith would carefully project Sinisa's image into his mind. It only took a few days of seeing Sinisa randomly in the hall's, before Johab went running, to the HiveMaster, fearful. Then, as predicted, the Architect would be questioned and his claim of Sinisas condition verified.


The Queen was expected to arrive at any moment to confirm the Wraith's claims. It had been just over a month since the human girl was grievously injured, she should have been healed.

"You must do it." Sinisa argued with Knight.

"I cannot. I will not. Do not ask me to do this." Knight hissed as he tried to push the Human away gently.

"The Queen will see through me. If you feed.. I will be confused, mindless. I am not asking..."

"The risk is to great... Do not ask this... You can fool her without my aid." Knight groaned as he tried to resist her needful pull. Sinisa pulled his hand up to her chest and he hissed painfully. The Wraith knew the frail human was right. If he feed just before the Queen's arrival, their illusion would be complete. Not even the Queen would be able to sense the truth, past the turmoil, the feeding would leave in her mind.

"Knight..."Sinisa pushed his hand against her flesh and leaned in close. Her lip's less then an inch from his, as she twisted her fingers in his hair. "...I need your help. When she is gone, you will bring me back." Sinisas soft lips touched his. He was warm, he tasted sweet and he returned her affection carefully.

The pain ripped through her like needle's and she felt, as if she might be sick as a result of it. She could hear Knight roar painfully as he feed from her flesh for only a moment. Sinisa was confused, her breath frozen in the moment's agony. She pushed everything away andlaid down on the bed.

She did not remember much of the Queen's visit. She could feel the Queen's mind in hers but her focus was so scattered. The Wraith female left Sinisa with a server headache but she seamed to gain nothing from the human. However, there was an exchange between the Queen and Knight, the crippled human thought she could make out.

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