§† ELEVEN †§

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Sinisa spent as little time about the Hive, as possible. The only human she trusted was Jessy and she did not see her often. She neared the end of her third month and she found it difficult to hide her belly. Morning was the most difficult of all, she was sick nearly every morning. Knight gracefully stayed by her side until he was no longer able. Her fear of him had been slowly replaced by a growing need for his companionship.

A small altercation with the Cook, ended in Sinisa getting whatever she wanted from the breakfast table. The frail human soon, learned strength was the only thing respected on a Hive. Once she showed, she was strong enough to take whatever she wanted, the Cook stopped objecting. There was also a mention of her master during the confrontation.

The docile Wraith never asked Sinisa to complete a slave's duties, like laundry or cleaning. She choice to do them in her daily boredom. The small human girl, never thought she would turn a corner one day, into something from her human past. She recognized the figure, instantly. The boy was dressed in Handler's clothing, but Sinisa was certain it was Johab.

"Sinisa."He proclaimed surprised. It was clear he did not intend to run into her.

"Going to run away, again?" She remarked coldly. All she could think of was how he left her, not just once but twice.

The human boy was just about her size. He moved so quickly, he completely surprised her. Sinisa found herself up against the wall and she slapped him in response. "What is wrong with you?" She hissed.

"You don't know what they do to us, do you? Safe in your Wraith bed..."Johab kept her pinned against the wall, as he hissed coldly over her."... wearing your fancy dress's." He grabbed the folds of her skirt and she pushed him away. The boy was stronger then she remembered and he grabbed her easily. She felt a sharp pain in her belly and the Handler leaned in close.

"No..." She tried to yell but only a whisper came from her lip's.

"The HiveMaster saw you in my mind. He claimed, I would be rewarded for this. I imagine, not as well as you, being in their bed." The human male pushed her against the wall and took a step back to examine his work. "If you take it out, you might die too quickly." Sinisa just looked down, the hilt of some kind of weapon protruded from her belly.

'Knight!' Sinisa's mind screamed, her voice unable to make a sound. She knew if she dropped to her knee's, she might die right there, alone in the hall. Johab had left her gasping and confused. He granted her little more then a disappointed glance, as he walked away.

The injured girl focused all her strength on moving her feet. One painful step after another, she tried to make her way back to her quarter's. The halls all looked the same, each turn only confused her more. Eventually, she fell to the ground unconscious, unable to take another step.


'Knight...' Sinisas mind called out over and over. She was unable to stay awake for long. Sometime's she would feel him next to her and calm right away. Other time's, she could not be stopped from crying out, until she passed out again. Everything was a swirl of pain and confusion, until she finally spoke, an untold amount of time later.

"Knight?"Her raspy voice echoed painfully. She coughed several time's and felt something warm embrace her hand. When she felt a hand on her forehead she looked to see her Wraith protector, over her.

"Do not move." Knight purred softly as he tried to comfort her. Sinisa was confused, she did not recognize the room they where in. She felt numb, something was oddly different. She felt empty, her belly was cold. Knight tried to keep her calm as the realization, she was no longer pregnant, hit her hard.

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