§† TWO †§

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"Get up, female! There are other duties you are expected to fulfill, as well." The multi-tone's of the Wraiths voice echoed in Sinisa's ear and she jumped to her feet. She clung to the blanket fiercely, it was the only bit of cloth she had to cover herself. The Wraiths stare made her uncomfortable, as he looked over her closely. After a moment he tossed a bit of cloth at her. "You can wear that, for now. If you can survive the next few days. I will get you something more... appealing."

"Are you going to watch?" Sinisa snarled. She picked the cloth up, then looked at it carefully. It was a simple long piece of cloth with a hole in the middle, she assumed for her head. The Wraith just started to laugh as she examined it. Sinisa looked it over again, then glared at the Wraith. He seamed highly amused by her remark. "You are, aren't you?"

The Wraith just grinned and shrugged his shoulder's, never once did he take his eye's off her. Sinisa just sighed and wrapped the blanket tight around her naked flesh. She then put her head in the cloth and looked around for something to tie it. After a moment she saw a longtie on the table and she grabbed it. She let the blanket fall and the cloth fell against her flesh. She put the tie around her waist andpulled it tight, then looked up at the Wraith who watched everything.

"Continue to amuse me human and you may, yet live." The Wraith purred. He started to move a crossed the room. Just before the door he turned back and eyed her sinisterly. "You are to clean my quarter's, for now. You must learn to do as you are told, before I allow you to leave this room. You belong to me now, but my protection does not extent past this door. There are many more hungry Wraith just waiting for a foolish girl to wonder into their grasp onboard this Hive. I suggest you do not go looking for them. I will have human nourishmentsent to you shortly."

"Why am I here?" Sinisa asked coldly as the Wraith opened the door.

"I thought I made that clear last night. I will take great pleasure in reminding you later tonight. Until then, I suggest you take my warning seriously, I will not give it again." The door hissed closed behind the Wraith and Sinisa was left alone.

She looked around the room, there where dirty leathers strewn all about. Nothing looked familiar not even the furniture. She recognized what it was, but much of it was grown right out of the wall's and floor. The bed was a large pile of soft fur's and fabric's on raised platform. It looked big enough for four people to sleep in. The table also grew right out of the floor and it was covered in tablet like object's. Several small dresser like object's adorned the walls and a large wooden cabinet was against the far wall. Random thing's where laid out in random place's all around the room. Sinisa laughed when she agreed, the Wraith did need a maid.

After some time the door opened and another well dressed human female entered the room. She did not say anything as she entered the room and set the tray she carried down on the table. She tossed her noes up at Sinisa, as she turned around to leave the room.

"Wait..." Sinisa blurted out before the women could reach the door. She just turned around coldly and stared at her. "What is happening?"

"You are young, you will learn quickly. Be glad your master is also young. Rumor has it, he has not learned how to torturer his concubine's...You are this particular Commander's first. I am certain you will not be his last." The lavishly dressed female grinned as she turned to leave the room.

"Concubine? You mean I am his..." Sinisa stared at the floor, she started to understand her purpose here. She no more wanted to admit it, then she was willing to submit to her fate.

"You are here for your master's amusement. I suggest you keep him happy. Disappointing him may be the last thing you ever do." The door swished closed behind the women and Sinisa sat in the large room alone.

She stared at the tray for sometime before her hunger started to rumble. It was a simple bowl of stew nothing else, not even a spoon to eat it with. Sinisa took the bowl in two hand's and drank from it. It was awful, but it satisfied her hunger so she finished it.

For the next few hour's she did nothing, just sat in the corner and stared about the room. After a bit she found herself stacking the tablets in her boredom. Then she piled all the dirty leathers in a corner and she closed all the half open drawer's about the room. The only curios thing in the entire the room was a tall pedestal like object that was covered with a white silk cloth. As soon as she went to touch it, the door opened and she nearly jumped out of her skin.

"Do not touch that." Growled the dark figure in the doorway.

"I was only doing as you told me." Sinisa snapped back. Her hand still inches from the cloth. The Wraith was on top of her in the blink of an eye. He grabbed her throat and nearly knocked her over. The crashing sound that followed his grasp was the pedestal falling to the ground next to them. The Wraith hissed and tossed Sinisa's small frame acrossed the room.

She gasped and choked but after a moment her eyes came into focus on a small metal object. It shined in the light as the Wraith carefully picked it up. It was a necklace unlike anything a simple farm girl had ever seen. The tall leathered creature was like a gentle beast when he placed the shiny object back on its pedestal.

"It's beautiful..." she whispered as she watched him.

"It is not for you. If you ever touch it again, I will break your hand's." The Wraith turned and glared at Sinisa harshly. Suddenly, she was afraid, the expression on the Wraiths face was lustful. He started to move toward's her, as he unclasped his thick leather coat. Sinisa backed away slowly, she instantly knew what he wanted.

"No...No..." she tried to avoid his grasp but her fight did not last long.

"You will cooperate one way... or another." The Wraith purred as he grabbed a hold of her arm's.

"Never!" She screamed as he tossed her on the bed. She tried to get away but the Wraith was on top of her before she could. She started to thrash wildly and in the Wraiths frustration he smacked her so hard, the only thing she remembered afterwards was the darkness.


Sinisa took in a deep breath suddenly. Her mind trust into consciousness, unable to forget what had happened. Her belly felt warm and her legs ached with fresh claw mark's. Sinisa tried to scream but no sound came from her flesh as she realized the Wraith had rapped her a second time.

"I would prefer you..." The Wraith started to purr but he was cut off abruptly.

"Kill me!" Sinisa hissed. Just then she realized the Wraith was lying next to her and she shied away form him, painfully. When she tried to get up her arms gave way under her weight. She ached too much to run, any further, then the edge of the soft bed. "You will have to kill me... before I ever..." Sinisa whimpered as she pulled a near-by fur blanket over her naked flesh.

"So be it... H-H-u-u-m-m-a-a-n-n." The Wraith hissed in return. The tone's of his voice echoed in Sinisa's ears as she watched him rollover. He then pulled the blanket over his own exposed flesh. Sinisa just watched the mound of cloth and fur. She knew it cloaked a sleeping Wraith. Her mind a whirl with thought.

There where many thing's about the room she could use as a weapon. But she doubted, she could get close enough. She had no ideal how well a Wraith slept and she could hardly move. Eventuality, her mind would fall prey to her bodies own painful exhaustion.

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