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Sinias injury was mortal, she should have died instantly. Some unknown force, kept just the faintest hint of her soul intact. Despite the prognosis of impending death, she continued to draw breath. It did not seem to matter how many feedings Knight forced her to accept, her condition did not seem to change. She was in and out of awareness, some days. Other days she just slept as if trapped in some unexplained coma.

"Why am I alive?" Rancor's voice hissed coldly when his eye's opened to see a human built structure around him. He sat up suddenly, when nothing answered. His hand immediately gripped his belly, his wound had healed. His irritation rose severely when he realized, he wore only his pants. A Worshiper in the far corner just bowed respectfully, when his eye crossed her path. "Where am I?" He growled. The Worshiper just pointed to a pile of leather next to the bed. Rancor hissed and picked up a thick leather jacket. Under it was a tall pair of black leather boots.

"This place has many name's." The female commented as the Wraith covered his exposed flesh. "Your brothers are in another hut. I can take you." The female kept her distance, as she moved towards the small constructs door.

"Wait, come here." The Wraith hissed, the human's behavior, was particular. When she got close, he could see why. "Your Wraithkin?" he asked her. The lighter tone of her skin was obvious, but she was old, she looked like an elder. The women smiled at the confused Wraith and nodded her head in agreement. After a moment she motioned for him to follow her outside. Once fully dressed Rancor followed the human quietly.

There where small human hut's everywhere. Several Wraith in the distance seemed to converse with human's casually. The population was mostly human, but several of the faces about the small village where obviously hybrid's. The Wraith had never seen anything like this place. He hissed confused, as he followed the Wraithkin female into another nearby hut.

"Thank you Clairisa, you should go now." Purred a familiar voice, when Rancor entered the small hut. Sinisa was laid out in a single bed, in the middle of the hut, much like he was. She was still and covered in fur's, only her shoulder's and face visible. The hybrid female bowed towards something in the far corner and quietly walked by the confused Wraith.

"Your alive because she called you Rancor. Is it true?" The source stayed in the shadow's, it was difficult to make out. The voice however, Rancor was certain he knew its identity.

"Architect? This is your doing, not mine." Rancor hissed in return.

"Answer the Question!" The figure of another Wraith stepped out of the shadow, and it was furious.

"You should have killed me. I will never allow you to take her." Rancor warned, he felt weak, not powerless.

"There's nothing to fight for... she is dying... and there is nothing anyone can do for her." The Architects voice sounded defeated.

"She is your Parvana, this cannot be." Rancor argued. Knight seamed fine at first glance, there was no logical reason his Parvana should not recover.

"It is true?" The Architect grumbled again. When he did not get any response The Architect just sat down with a cynical laugh. "I should have known it was you."

"What does it matter now?" Rancor hissed in return. He then started to move towards the sleeping female. Sinisa's flesh was eerily still beneath the fur's.

"She stayed alive all this time because of you. It was your idea to incite the other Queen's by dividing the territories. You planned everything... when did she turn you against the Queen, Rancor?" The Architect got up, to moved closer.

"None of that matter's now." Rancor hissed irritated. He did not feel he needed to explain himself. He was not supposed to survive the attack, at least that was his plan. The Architect stood opposite Sinisas still body from Rancor. They both glared at one another quietly for some time.

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