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Sinisa crawled over Rancor with a needful purr. She sated her need erotically, when something grabbed her hair painfully.

"You betray me, with this... thing!" The howl was viscus and Sinisa tried not to scream in response.

"Release her!" Rancor howled infuriated. Sinisas head flung forward and she felt Rancor embrace her quickly. "Run, I will find you." He whispered after he rolled over her. Sinisa was terrified, he had never sent her away. The Wraith let go of her and turned around to meet the source of Sinisas pain.

"You placed her in my bed. You demanded, I leave my seed in her flesh. You cannot take her away from me now, my Queen!" Rancor met the females furious glare with one of his own.

"I should have killed her myself. She has tainted your mind, as well as your flesh!" The female Wraith spat. Sinisa crawled toward's the door carefully. She heard furious Wraith snarl's behind her, it sounded like they where killing each other. She did not hear much else, before she managed to escape the room. She did not even stop to look, she just closed the door and ran. At least this time, she had almost a year of peace, before the source of her pain returned to the Hive.


Every Wraith that saw her roam free, hissed and walked the other direction. Only a small few of the higher ranking Commanders stopped to question her. Sinisa never spoke to them, she just looked them right in the eye and they immediately hissed and walked away. They left her free to roam the Hive, 'as a HiveMaster's concubine should be allowed.'

Sinisa had no idea how long she wondered the hall's unchecked. She just continued until she found herself standing in front of a familiar door. She though it was strange, the room was sealed. Sinisa just used Rancor's pass code and opened the door, she had seen him do the same many time's.

The door swished open and the bright light's turned on as she entered the room. The room looked just like she remembered it, bolt's of cloth all about the room. Sinisa stopped to close the door behind her, then she went on to examine the room.

She had been here before, so she knew what to expect about the room. What she did not expect to find was the figure of a headless woman in the far corner. When she got closer, she could tell it was just a hanging dress. Sinisa gasped when she inspected it, it was inlaid with silver hint's all over. The hidden crest of a knight was embroidered into the leather bodice. She instantly knew, it had been left for her.

There was something else, a small chain dangled over the collar. Most of it was hidden in the fabric of the dress, she carefully removed it. It was Knights medallion, and a small piece of fabric. The fabric had Wraith etching on it.

'Never alone.' Was written on it. Those word's echoed through Sinisa mind like thunder. She dropped to her knee's and gasped for air.'Knight!' her mind cried out. The HiveMaster had offered more comfort then that first Wraith ever did. Yet her mind was still drawn to the memory of the Wraith she once called Knight. It had been so long since she even allowed herself to remember, the single most cherished moment they shared together.

She had always believed they had abandoned her, left her behind without a single thought. But there is was in her hand's, 'never alone,' It was something Knight had told her many time's before. 'She would never be alone again, he would always find her.' Sinisa screamed as loud as she could, she was so confused. Her mind reached for anything in the emptiness around her.

'Never alone.'  Admits the tear's and rage Sinisa mind latched onto a single whisper in the darkness. 'Stay strong, you are never alone.' Sinisa thought she imagined the feeling. She thought, her mind had finally cracked. She could feel Knight faintly for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. Sinisa just curled up on the floor, tear's her only comfort, as her mind faded into darkness.

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