§† FIVE †§

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Sinisa woke to a loud thud noise, that startled her. She had no idea how long it had been since Knight left her. When she opened her eye's she saw her master. He stood over something on the floor.

"In your village, they would have shown mercy. He would have been judged and punished for his offense. Humans would, most likely, leave him alive, so he could to repeat it." Knight explained. Sinisa pulled several fur's around her naked flesh and moved towards the edge of the bed to look. On the floor, was a badly beaten face she would never forget. When she cringed and moved back The Wraith kicked the already cowering human male.

"Good, he is the perpetrator. Wraith law is much different, then human law. There is only one punishment for his offense." The tall leathered Wraith leaned down and grabbed the collar of the human male. He danged the human's feet off the ground and hissed in his face. "His life now belongs to you, my Sin. You may judge him as you see fit. If you still want his life, it is your's."

The human male coughed and spat blood at Knight, as his feet dangled in the air. Sinisa was stunned, she had never witnessed anything so violent, so close. Suddenly, it was like her own pain felt insignificant. All that was left was anger. She had been taken from her home. Her dreams where shattered and she might be a slave for the rest of her life.

"Yes...Yes, I want his life." She focused all her hate in that moment.

"No...No... No..." The male tried to fight but he was helpless against the much larger Wraith captor. The Wraith tossed him against the table and pushed down on his chest with his right hand. The whole ordeal was over in seconds as Sinisa watched horrified. The human flesh just seamed to dry up, like a piece of fruit in the hot day's sun. Knight howled with pleasure as he drained the carcass of all of its life-force.

"Why did I need to see that?" Sinisa gasped. What she had just witnessed scared her more, then anything that had happened over the last few day's.

"You needed to see, with your own eye's. What Wraith are truly capable of... What I am capable of." He tossed the lifeless crust aside and approached Sinisa slowly as she trembled on the bed. She closed her eye's a swallowed hard, she knew there was no where to run. When she felt his breath on her neck, she opened her eye's to see Knight, only inches from her. He had that look on his face that terrified her.

"No." Sinisa tried to look away. When she felt his claw's graze her flesh, she tried to pull away.

"I promise you, you will feel no pain this night. But there is something I must give you." He purred seductively.

"I don't want anything from you." Sinisa snapped defensively.

"You wanted his life. Allow me to give it to you." The pale skinned Wraith purred as he placed his right hand on her chest. It was still wet from his recent feeding. It made Sinisa try to pull away again.

"I don't understand. You already..." Sinisa whispered.

"Allow me to teach you. Wraith can give life, just as we can take it." Knight slid his left hand around the back of her neck and he pushed against her chest carefully with the other. Sinisa took a deep breath as she was engulfed with a euphoric feeling. A wave of warmth washed through her flesh, as if pushed by an endless wind. Knight howled as he pushed his own essence inside her.

The Wraith held the connection as long as he could, blending his own life-force with that of the human female Sinisa. What he had taken from the human male was minuet, barely notable in a sea of emotion and turmoil. Sinisa was over whelmed by lust, passion, need, protection, tenderness, compassion and something she did not know or expect, love. A binding she couldn't fathom, and had no understand of what it could be, pulled at her very soul.

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