§† NINE †§

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The frantic Wraith was exhausted. He had done all he could for Sinisas wound's but she still would not wake. It had been nearly two full day's. Knight was near starvation, yet he refused to leave the human's side. His treatment of her wound was, pitiful. But here in his quarter's, he had little to properly aid a broken bone. He knew once she had awaken, he could retrieve proper tool's to treat her.

'Architect.' A mental nudge came from behind Knight's closed door. Architect, was his proper and official title on the Hive. It was rare for a male to address him so formally, Commander was usually sufficient. Knight opened the door, cautiously.

"ClothMaker?" Knight remarked surprised.

"Well, you did summon me, Commander. Now, are you going to let me enter?" The twig of a Wraith looked down on Knight, expectantly. The smaller of the two Wraith, was hunched over as he leaned against the threshold of the door.

"This is not a good time." Knight hissed then tried to close the door. The ClothMaker just stepped forward and glared at him.

"Everyone is aware of the Queen's current temperament. The shadow's say it has something to do with you. Beside's you summoned me, Architect." The ClothMaker motioned for Knight to look down. In the taller Wraith hands was a large and very old looking, bag.

"I did not think you where listening." Knight grumbled as he moved aside. The ClothMaker strode into the room, as if it was his own. Then he stopped just a few feet inside. He could see the still human underneath the fur's in the bed from here.

"Are you going to tell me what happened or should I guess?" The twig like Wraith sighed. Knight just tried to reach for the bag but failed to gab ahold of it. "You will have to trust me at some point. If you wish to keep her alive." The ClothMaker hissed as he kept the bag from Knight.

"It is not, that simple. Betrayal is something I know, all too well. Are you going to let me help her or not?" Knight hissed coldly.

"Yes, the Architect's history is well know to the rest of the Hive. As is your importance to the Queen. But I have a fondness for human's. That fondness happens to extent to your... companion. Let me guess, she was uncooperative?" The ClothMaker stepped toward's Knight, his stance almost threatening.

"Fondness?" Knight insinuated the ClothMaker's affection might run deeper then he confessed.

"You insult me, Brother. I have no interest bedding your human. Even if Idid, I would not break her, as you have." The ClothMaker was taller but even in his weakened condition Knight was certain, he could take him down if he needed. The nearly defeated Wraith debated his situation. Then he glanced at the human when she breathed painfully.

"I did not do this. The Queen... she..." Knight bowed his head remorsefully unable to explain.

"Then, there might be hope for you, yet Brother." The ClothMaker sighed and placed one hand on Knight's shoulder. After a moment he nodded, then moved toward's the sleeping female.

The ClothMaker sat beside the female and uncovered her body. Knight growled and the taller Wraith snickered at him. Sinisa was still naked, her breasts and wound's where openly exposed to his view.

"Habit." Knight tried to hold back his contentment. It made him fiercely jealous to know that anyone was near his human.

"Habit you say? How long has she been with you?" The ClothMaker questioned annoyed. Knight just sighed and looked away, 'Did everyone know exactly what he was doing, at all time's?'  Still, he could not deny his instinct to protect the frail human. "She is that important to you, then?" The ClothMaker seamed less agitated. Knight still did not want to answer, but the ClothMaker continued to wait patiently.

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