§† SEVEN †§

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Sinisa was engulfed in thought's of Knight, as he carried her through the hall's of the Hive. 'He smell's like fire mixed with leather and his hair was a mess. His face was smooth, it made him look young. He was almost handsome in the dim light of the Hive. His embrace was warm and his touch was far more careful then those first few day's. What changed? Why does he seam to care now, when only day's ago he did not?' Knight just stopped in the empty hall and turned to look at Sinisa. His eyes where soft and inviting.

"Thats not fair." Sinisa stated clearly when she realized why he stopped. He was listening to her mind. Knight grinned happily in response.

"One day, you will be able to hear my mind, as well. When you do, you will have all the answer's you seek. Be patient, my little star, your light shine's brighter then you know." Knight could feel the warmth of Sinisa lips next his own, he had nuzzled his way so close to her.

"Knight." She whispered, her grip on his flesh tightened. His word's caused a strange feeling to echo in her belly. It was the first time she felt safe. It was almost as if he wanted her to feel his compassion and even his lust. Sinisa's flesh gasped pleasurably and Knight turned away.

"We are almost there." Knight let out a guttural rumble and started to move down the hall again. Sinisa laid her head against his shoulder as he walked. The Tall Wraith turned several more time's before he entered a well lite room. Sinisa buried her face in Knight when the light hit her eyes. Then after a moment she was able to look around.

There where bolts of cloth strewn all about the room. Sinisa did not see much until Knight set her down on a small bench. In the center of the large room where three human sized pedestal's. There where so many random things placed all about the room. Everything from strips of leather, to soft fabric's, like only the rich girl's in her village wore. At the far side of the room stood the tallest Wraith Sinisa had ever seen.

"ClothMaker I have need of your services." Knight purred when he saw the slightly taller Wraith in the distance.

"I will render my services, only after I have seen, what you have brought for me." The tall thin Wraith moved closer and Sinisa gripped Knights hand. Knight tighten his grip, so Sinisa would know he was there. He focused his attention and eye's on the ClothMaker's approach. "Well?"

Knight turned around and stood Sinisa up carefully. He paused to look directly at her and she took a deep breath in response. He turned and motioned for her to step up onto one of the pedestal's in the room. When she hesitated he growled calmly, then she stepped up. The tall Wraith was extremely thin, and his voice sounded old. He eyed Sinisa oddly and she shied away from him.

"I can do nothing like this." The tall thin Wraith grinned, then reached out toward's Sinisa. Knight caught his hand and glared at him.

"Do not touch her." The words escaped Knight, before he could stop it.

"Do you want me to dress the girl or not?" Responded the other Wraith as Sinisa shied away from both of them. "Silly girl, you are in no danger here." The ClothMaker hissed when he saw the small human back away. "But I must be allowed to... well... see what I am working with. Or I fear there is nothing I can do for you." The ClothMaker glanced at Knight as he spoke then focused on Sinisa. She tried hard not to look at either Wraith.

"Answer him child. Will you let him provide clothing or not?" Knight poked at Sinisa and she just wanted to explode. She bite her tongue hard and wished she was anywhere else.

"Perhaps,it is best if you leave me to my work, Commander. I have not meant a human I could not dress, properly. Come back in a few hour's." The tall Wraith almost pushed Knight out the door as the shorter but wider Wraith reluctantly allowed it. 'Knight!' Sinisas mind called out as she watched her master leave the room. 'You will be safe, the ClothMaker is trusted by all.' She could feel Knight's word's. It was barely a whisper in her belly but she was certain it was him.

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