§† EIGHT †§

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Alone in a strange place, terror and death all around her, Sinisa wanted nothing more then to be a child again. It had been only day's, she could not be certain how many had truly passed since the culling. Somehow it felt like year's, as if she was suddenly responsible for everything and nothing all at once.

Johab was a found memory, even though the boy had abandoned her during the attack. Thoughts of him took her home, if only in her mind. She tried not think about what he might say if he could see her now. In all of Pegasus, there was no greater insult, then to be called a Wraith Worshiper. 'Was that all she was now?'

The Wraith had taken everything from her physically, but he had not broken her will. Her first moments in this place where, terrifying at best. 'What changed? What could have possibly turned a normally deadly Wraith, into such a protective creature?' Sinisas mind couldn't even fathom a reason Knight would show her any kindness,'Unless this was all a mind game?'. Sinisa tried hard not to think about what this could be.

She sat for hour's her mind a whirl, the weapon still in her hand. 'He would not have armed me if this was a game. Did he give me a weapon?' She stared at the gun, it was unusual. It had a barrel and a trigger, but no obvious place to put a projectile. She held it out, strange the first thing that came into her focus beyond the barrel was that small pedestal.

Sinisa gasped when she pulled the trigger and there was little to no recoil. The pedestal flopped off the table in burst of blue light. Silver and cloth bit's flew out in a puff, as a ball of light sent the whole thing spinning in the air. After a moment the pedestal and necklace landed in a mangled pile on the ground.

"I'll bet you made that for the Queen and she rejected you. That's why I am here, isn't it?" Sinisa growled at the empty room, but it gave no answer. She reached out and pulled a fur over her tired flesh, then she laid out a crossed the bed. 'It was huge.' She smiled. It only took a moment before she was asleep.


Sinisa woke suddenly, she was angry and scared. She felt like something loomed over her. The room was empty when she examined it. The gun still laid on the bed beside her, 'She had better hid that, for now.' Sinisa had no ideal how long it had been. As she placed the weapon back in the same drawer she saw Knight pull it from, she heard the door to the room open.

A young women walked into the room, her head held high and she was dressed in all silver. She carried a tray with a single stone bowl on it. Sinisa stayed quiet while the female put the tray on the table, then turned around to look at her.

"I will come back for it later." The silver women stated clearly as she looked Sinisa over. Sinisa did not want to risk an altercation so she just nodded respectfully. "Humph." The silver lady mumbled. She then reached down to a large skin attached to her side and unhooked it. Sinisa immediately recognized it as a water or wine skin. "You will want this also." The silver figure handed the skin to the currently timid Sinisa.

"Thank you." Sinisa took the skin cautiously.

"Humph." The silver lady grumbled again then she turned to leave the room. Sinisa waited until she was alone then walked over to the bowl. It was as she feared, a scoop of badly flavored stew. 'Anything could be in that.' Sinisas mind tried not to think about it. When her stomach rumbled, she finally gave in and ate it. 'Awful, just awful.'

After she forced herself to push that nearly inedible slop down her throat. Sinisa stood by the door, her mind a blaze with thought, for several hour's. 'I could leave. The door is not locked. Why did he want me to stay here. I am like an animal in a cage. I might be safe.' She touched the necklace Knight gave her but she did not open the door. 'Who am I kidding, I'm trapped on a Wraith Hive. There is nothing but pain out there. I cant even find the bathroom.' Sinisa crumbled against the closed door. She slid down to the floor and leaned her back against the closed fold's. 'What fate waits for me, here?' The confused girl just closed her eyes and tried not to think about anything.

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