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It had been twelve long years since the culling. Sinisa did not remember what it felt like to breath real air or feel plant life beneath her bare feet. She hardly remembered what it was like to carry on a conversation with another Human for more than two minutes. There was nothing left but the Null-Wikca, a white Witch, a truth seer, a tool used by Wraith, to defeat more Wraith. Rancor watched helpless, as the light faded from the human's eye's.

"You will wear this tonight. The Queen is arriving shortly, as well as a few other's." Rancor's voice was stern. He had not commanded Sinisa in age's, so she moved towards him curiously. The garment he carried was dark with silver highlight's. She had not worn anything like it in almost a decade. It took her several moments to realize she had seen it before, in the ClothMaker's room, years ago.

"I don't understand." Sinisa whispered as she stepped back.

"There will be no argument. It has taken years to prepare this gathering. It is too dangerous to take you among so many female's, dressed in such a manor. This was all I could find, you will wear it." He tossed the dress at Sinisa.

"It's been years since you tried to lie to last. It still won't work." Sinisa smiled, her voice was playful.

"Not today. You cannot question me, not today. There will be a great many thing's that will happen... not as perceived. You must trust me, even if you don't believe me. Can you do that, my Null-Wikca." Rancor's tone was calm. He made Sinisa feel uncomfortable, but she eventually nodded in agreement. The dress he helped her put on, bore a crest she had not seen since Knight was last seen. She did not even know it still existed, her heart felt a pain it had buried so deep, it was long forgotten.

"You must be strong." Rancor tried to comfort the distraught human. After a moment he pulled a small ornate blade from his coat. He slid it carefully between her breast. "You know what to do with this."

"Rancor, I don't think... You are all I know." Sinisa started to argue. The Wraith just turned away from her and headed towards the threshold.

"Come. There is still much to prepare." He motioned for her to follow. Sinisa felt something was very off, but she also knew her Wraith keeper very well. If he did not want to share his plan with her, it was not possible to change his mind. Sinisa approached him then hesitated to leave the room. When she touched her bare neck, Rancor sighed tone-fully in response. "Come."


Everyone was busy doing one thing or another. Four Female Wraith, plus several of their personal male Commanders/Guards arrived, as well as Rancor's own Queen. Five Queen's in one Hive had everyone on edge. Sinisa was in the throne room, the HiveMaster and his Queen had gathered there to greet the others as they arrived.

A table had been arranged by the Queen's throne, it had only five very comfortable looking chairs arranged around it. There was a line of human worshipers to one side of the room, Sinisa assumed for dinning purpose's. Many others moved about the room suppling refreshment to all in attendance's. A large table in the middle of the room had food on it presumably for the Wraith indulgence's, since the Null-Wikca was the only respected human in attendance.

When the other Queen's had arrived, they unanimously refused to allow the Null-Wikca to participate. The Hivemaster was expected to remain at his Queen side during the talk's, so Sinisa was permitted to roam freely about the room. At fist she lingered by the Queen's, everyone seemed to be hiding something.

Everything felt strange about this gathering. Not only had Sinisa never seen so many Wraith female's chattering, she understood every word they said. It was a bit of a skill she had developed over the year's. She could understand and speak fluent Wraith. The HiveMaster was the only one certain of that particular ability, they both thought it was best to keep that between only them. The female chatter was mostly about food and territory, everyone once in a great while, the Null-Wikca was mentioned in passing. The human however, was not invited to listen, so she tried to ignore them.

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