59. Secrets Revealed

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Ron watched his two best friends disappear out the door and sighed. He was so torn. He wanted to go with them, and yet, he knew Luna was here somewhere. He had caught a glimpse of her earlier, and it was eating at him that he hadn't been able to connect with her. He scanned the room again, but couldn't see her. He quickly crouched down beside Neville and Ginny as a spell was cast his way. He could see Ginny scanning the room as well.

"Who are you looking for?" he asked.

"No one," she said quickly.

Ron heard a startled cry over the sounds of the battle and he felt his heart skip a beat.

"Luna!" he cried as he jumped up, only to be pulled down again by Ginny.

Ron yanked his arm out of her grip and peered over the table.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Ginny hissed.

Ron ignored her.

"Neville, cover me," Ron said as he crawled towards the end of the table and crouched, ready to spring.

"Ron!" Ginny called as he took off at a run towards the wall. She caught up to him half way down the room and shoved him against the wall.

"What do you think you're doing?" she yelled at him.

Ron glared at her.

"Luna means more to me than anything else in the world, and I'm not going to hide behind some table while she's in trouble. So you can either get out of my way, or come with me," Ron said.

The gargoyle candleholder exploded above them at the same time as they were pushed violently to the ground. They both covered their heads as the stone rained around them. As the dust settled, they turned, coughing, to look back at the pile of rubble that was covering the place they had stood. They could see someone buried under what was left of the gargoyle and part of the wall: someone with platinum blonde hair.

"Draco!" Ginny cried as she scrambled forward and tried to move the pieces away. She didn't even think about using her wand.

"Help me Ron!" she called.

"Why? It's only Malfoy," Ron answered as he brushed the dust off of himself.

Ginny turned and glared at him.

"If you don't help me right now, so help me, I'll hex your—"

"Okay! Okay!" Ron said as he pulled his wand out.

"Don't use magic! You'll draw attention to us!" Ginny cried, stopping him. She was afraid that someone would try and bring the whole ceiling down on them.

He sighed heavily, tucked his wand away and began pulling at some of the stones.

"I don't know why you'd even care about him," he grumbled.

"Because he just saved your arse," Ginny said.

"So? He's a Death Eater."

"And secondly...he's the one I...I've been getting my information from," she said quietly.

Ron stopped dead and looked at her incredulously.

"Malfoy?" he said. "You've been meeting Malfoy? He's a Death Eater!" he exclaimed. "Not only that, he can't be trusted! He uses people for his own benefit, and thinks that he is better than everyone one else just because he is a pureblood! Don't you remember how he used to strut around the school bragging about how wonderful he was, trying to pick up girls, and...and..." he stopped when he saw the flush creeping on to Ginny's cheeks.

"Oh no, please tell me he didn't," he said. "That you didn't..."

Ginny didn't answer as she tugged on one of the larger pieces.

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