Chapter 1

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    I remember the day. The exact day that Erik swore he would change the world. My legs took me running down the hall as fast as they could. There were a couple times where i could feel myself tripping over my own feet but I didn't stop. The floor of the apartment he had been at during the time was on the one right under mine. The complex was rundown and the walls were thin. His cries were unmistakable. When I stood in the doorway, I knew what had happened. With his dad cradled in his lap, I can remember exactly how many tears fell from Erik's face. He let out a throaty cry for help and I came running in. Of course, death wasn't foreign to me considering we lived in the worst possible part of town, but having a dead body next to you at age 10, is pretty scarring if you ask me. Especially if it's the dead body of your father. For Erik, it was. I called the police, as if they would offer any help, and fell to Erik's side as he leaned over his dads lifeless body. Little did I know what it would lead to.
   The day after what we in the neighborhood called "the event" they sent Erik to go live with in the complex one street over from ours. He hated when I called her his mom. Monica was her name. Monica was a drug addict with a never ending line of lowlife boyfriends that would abuse him and her. I knew my parents loved him, they had been close with his dad, and they had been in many heists together. They would have taken Erik in, without a second thought. At the time, I begged and pleaded so hard that it was difficult to speak. We barely had enough money for us each to have one meal a day. There was no way we could support another person. For a long time I wondered where Erik would go. I wandered off to Monica's place quite a few times while my parents were at work to see if he was "home" but he never was. It was only as I was coming home that I found him sitting under a bridge in the shadows weeks later that I decided I would do whatever I had to to save what was left of his life.

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