Chapter 9

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My eyes roll so far back in my head I feel like I probably saw my brain. "What's wrong? WHATS WRONG?!" My voice gets louder as I get angrier. "I have spent YEARS OF MY LIFE waiting for you, I loved you and I trusted you! I-I've learned my lesson." I try reaching for the door again, but he takes my hand in his. "Keira, I-" I cut him off before he can finish. "No! You don't get to make excuses for yourself. Their not going to erase my suffering are they? I aint got shit to say to you." I reach for the door again and this time he pulls me closer to him, his hand on the small of my back. "Hey. Just listen to me. I know, I have some explaining to do. Please just let me start."

Erik backs off and sits next to me on my old bed, the tension is awkward so he breaks the silence. "I was in the military Keira, I'm not lying about that. I was there for the 7 months that were planned, but there were complications. I stayed a whole two years in total because they needed me in Iraq after I had already been in Afghanistan. I fought as hard as I could but I couldn't get out of it, I was government property, I guess I still am technically. There's something I need to tell you, and as crazy as it sounds, I swear on my life that it's true." I laugh, which makes him stop talking. "You, telling the truth? Wow that makes the tally go up to one." He smiles, and it hits me that it's really Erik. It's him. "Your still the same you" he chuckles before continuing. "I'm gonna tell you this thing, and you have to promise not to tell anybody ok?" "Ok I'll play along" I reply, nodding. "I'm from Wakanda" he admits, placing a hand on my knee. I push it off and scoot backwards a little so I can see him. "I think you forget that my parents were at your birth...what do you-" Erik cuts me off and pulls his lower lip down, exposing what seems to be a glowing blue brand in a different language. "That's a cool tattoo Erik, what's it say? I-am-an-asshole?" He laughs again. "It's the seal of my people. My dad was the a prince Keira. I know this is going to sound even more insane, but, I am going to be the king of Wakanda." I burst out laughing, I don't even try to conceal it but his serious expression makes me question if he's actually trying to make up for his mistakes. NO, I won't let myself get tied in with him again. "I'm not kidding" he states. "Well then Your Highness, why have you come to visit a lowly peasant such as I?" He chuckles again and I feel my heart jump. "I want you to come with me."

SIDE NOTE- 2k?! I'm so shook u guys wtf how

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