Part 1, Act 3

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-Aphmau's POV-

Oh. My. God.

Ein was here, right now, ruining our wedding!

I knew he was real this time, because Aaron had the same look on his face.

As soon as I realized that he was here, I started running towards him.

He had a twisted grin on his face, with nasty scars all over.

I was so mad.

He ran faster than me, but so did Aaron.

I threw my train and veil off while I ran.

"Aph, wait!" I heard Aaron say.

But right now there was no stopping.

Aaron ran past me, in hot pursuit of Ein.

We both chased him, the adrenaline was too much for us to stop.

We saw Ein turn a corner down the hallway.

And when we turned it was a dead end.

Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter!

But I'm working on 4 chapters today, maybe even more!

But anyway

I'll see Ya Wizards soon!

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