Part 2, Act 5

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-Kawaii-Chan's POV-

I dug my plastic spoon into the mushy cereal and swallowed.

“So, Kawaii-Chan, what’d you and Zane do last night?” Aphmau said in a teasing voice.

“Huh?!” Zane and I both said at once while intensely blushing.

“Relax, I’m just teasing you!” She laughed.

Zane and I both largely sighed.

“So, last night, Aph and I decided that we would split up and just spend a day in town be fore we got mixed up in Ein business. We just didn’t know who wanted to split up,” Aaron announced.

“So, Zane, Kawaii-Chan, do you two want to be together?” Aph asked.

“Uh… yea, sure!” Zane said before I got a chance to answer.

Not that I was going to refute, but…

“So, Aaron and I are about to leave.”

Which left just me and Zane.

Travis and Katelyn had either already left, or they were still asleep.

After they both left, I went up to our room to get ready.

I got in the shower, and 5 minutes later, I heard the door open.

Assuming it was just Zane, I continued with my shower.

After that, I put on some makeup, and brushed my hair.

I came out of the bathroom, and I saw Zane on the small nook near the window.

“Hey, ready to go?” Zane said, in an enthusiastic voice.

“Yeah,” I said, grabbing my purse and my phone.

We headed out of the hotel, not really knowing where to go.

It was such a small town, there was no taxi to take.

Zane wasn’t wearing his mask, I didn’t know what had happened to it.

We stared at the empty highway before us, watching the sun rise.

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