Part 3, Act 4

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-Zane's POV- 

When I woke up, I was still exhausted.

My eyes were groggy, and I turned over to look at Kawaii-Chan.

Then I realized we were both wearing nothing.

Oh my god, I thought.

Did I really just-

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Kawaii-Chan waking up.

I rapidly turned over and pretended I was asleep.

Kawaii-Chan had the same realization shock as I did, but then she put her arms around me and pulled me closer to her.

I was tense at first, but then I relaxed into it.

I decided that I would get up and put some clothes on, so I wriggled out of her embrace, and took a few garments out of my suitcase.

I went into our bathroom, and started to turn on the hot water for a shower.

I couldn't find my mask, Kawii-Chan had probably taken it off of me during our... occurrence.

I stepped into the shower, the hot water scolding my skin.

After 20 minutes of pondering and existentialism, I stepped out and put my clothes on.

Nana was still asleep when I stepped out of the bathroom.

She sure is a heavy sleeper, I thought.

I hope she gets out of bed soon.

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