Part 2, Act 7

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-Kim/Ghost's POV-

I slowly knocked on Zane's door, bracing for the worst emotional baggage ever.

He opened the door, his eyes bloodshot and tearing up, like he hadn't blinked in years.

"W-What do you want?" He said, surprisingly not crying in the middle of his sentence.

"I wanna talk to you, I don't want anyone in this group to be sad," I explained.

"Won't Ghost just have some sort o-of outburst?" He sniffled.

"No. I'll make sure of it," I comfortably told him.

He let me in and sat on the bed, which's sheets were torn off.

"How do you feel, Zane?" I asked him.

"I-I just, can't figure out why she's gone... she never did anything t-to anyone, and she... why would he do this? He is..." He continued ranting.

I knew this.

The anger stage of grief.

I guess he went through denial himself.

"... He deserves to die. I want to kill him. If he took Kawaii-Chan, I will kill him!"

"Zane, calm down! I know that feeling. We all just want to throw away the world sometimes. But you have to come to acceptance with her loss."

"Why? What if she's dead? We don't know anything! I'm going to find her. She has to be somewhere in the mountains, right? That's where he was last time,"

He grabbed his jacket and headed out of the door.

"Wait, Zane! I'm coming with you!" I yelled after him, already halfway down the hallway.

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