The ER

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I put my head down in shame. I nodded my head yes with more tears falling down my face. It was obvious my mom didn't know what to say.
"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you did or not. I'm here with you to help you do this."
I slowly stretched out my arm to her, wincing in pain. She gently pulled back the sleeve of my sweatshirt. She was silent.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, I couldn't control myself" i muttered out.
"It's not that, I can see your bone. We have to go to the ER. I'm also glad your scars aren't deep so they won't be permanent. I love you and you can alway come to me."
My mom started the car and got out of the parking lot. as we passed the school I saw Kendra laying on the ground with a few teachers around her. I'm glad we don't have security cameras or else I'd be in trouble. Around a half an hour later we pulled into the hospital entrance. We walked into the ER, my mom explained what happened, it was only me and a little boy with a constant runny nose waiting to be looked at. A very attractive young nurse came in and with his deep voice he said,
"Emma Batchner?"
I got up and followed him to my bed. He looked at my wrist and then at my scars.
"Hey sweetheart, when we put the cast on, I hope it'll keep you from doing that" he fixed my hair, "you're beautiful and whatever you're going through, you don't deserve" he kissed my forehead and left to get the doctor.
He actually just did that. wow. Someone extremely attractive just kissed my head and told me everything's gonna be okay. A little spur of butterflies appeared in my stomach. Soon after he walked back in but with a doctor. the doctor looked at my hand briefly and confirmed i broke my wrist.
Hours later I had my cast and everything was going okay, my scars were covered and now I could wear t-shirts around my house. The handsome nurse came into check on me. I realized how young he was,
"How are you so young, but you're a nurse?"
He let out a small giggle and replied with, "I went to collage at age 14. according to everyone, my brain is amazing and I'm dangerously smart."
I sat there in shock. at age 14 I was still trying to figure out how to get skinny jeans on without breaking them.
"You're 16, I'm 21. this might not be right but here's my number, I'd like to get to know you sometime. maybe this weekend?"
My cheeks burned crimson red. I took the number he gave me and put it in my bra. he grabbed my good hand and squeezed it, he pressed his soft lips to mine and then he was gone.
After leaving the ER my mom still did everything she said she would, even though it was getting dark now. I picked out a scary movie and coffee ice cream, we were driving home but she passed our house. I asked her where we were going and she laughed and kept driving. She ended up taking me to our phone company to get me a new phone.
Later on that night when I was home, she tucked me into bed and brought up the tv from downstairs and put it in my room. She hooked up the DVD player and everything. directly after she left I pulled out my new phone and entered in the nurses number. I left a text saying,
"Hey, it's Emma. the one you met today, I never got your name. maybe you can text me back :) "
I put in a movie and got settled. I was eating my ice cream when my phone buzzed again. It was the nurse.
"Oh yeah, I'm Eric."
Eric and I talked into the night. We decided I'm going to his place Friday after school when he's off shift.
I finished my ice cream and the movie, texted Eric goodnight and drifted into sleep.

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