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I came home from work on Saturday, Haden was still working. The house seemed quieter. I knew Jessica was home, I quietly walked down the hall thinking she was asleep. I cracked open the door to see something horrifying.

Jessica was with Cody. They were having sex.

I screamed.

Jessica quickly got off Cody and pulled the covers up to her chest. Both of their faces turned bright red. I took out my phone and called Haden.

"Guess what Jessica's doing?" I asked.

"What?" there was anxiety in his voice.

"I just walked In on Cody and Jessica having a little fun in bed."

"I'm on my way home. ill work extra hours tomorrow"

We hung up. I stared at them.

"Your dad has some things to say. Get your clothes on and go into the living room and sit on separate sides of the couch." I demanded.

Haden got home sooner than I expected. He was furious. He screamed, more at Cody than Jessica but Jessica knew she was gonna hear more from me. I called Cody's parents and they were very sorry and he would be grounded for two months. I decided to ground Jessica for the same amount of time. I chimed into the yelling.

"I FUCKED UP WHEN I WAS 16! I love you and Kennadee but you can't end up like me!" I screamed.

Jessica teared up. "THEN WHY DID YOU LOCK HER UP IF YOU LOVE HER SO MUCH?" she screamed back.

"YOU SURE AS HELL KNOW WHY. SHE NEEDED IT. SHE WAS GOING TO BECOME WORSE THAN ME IF SHE DIDN'T GET HELP" I stormed into the bedroom. I ended up calling the mental hospital to hear about Kennadee's progress. She will be able to come home in two weeks. She's now 129.5lbs. I told them to tell her I'm pregnant with another little brother. As The conversation ended, my temper went back to normal. Cody was in his parents car and Cody's father was talking to Haden. Jessica was in her room crying, I didn't bother knocking. "You're not even 15, you can't get knocked up sweetheart. You know I'm just trying to protect you" I said in a calm voice.

Jessica stayed silent and I took that as my "go away" signal.

Haden was pretty mood swingy about the whole thing, I went to comfort him. I told him she'll be okay and kissed him.

"Hey, Kennadee's coming home in two weeks" I announced.

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