Married off.

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Kennadee and Jessica were 23. Kennadee was getting ready to get married to Derrick. Frankly, I didn't see it coming. Jessica was engaged to Cody, they were getting married late next year.

As Haden and I were greeting everyone, a familiar face showed up but I couldn't put my finger in who it was.

"Do you know the bride or the groom?" I asked politely.

"The bride is my daughter... wait... Emma?"

My jaw dropped. It was Eric. He missed 23 years of Kennadee's life and he shows up at her wedding? bullshit.

"What on gods green earth are you doing here?" my temper rose dramatically within two seconds.

"What every father does at a wedding. Walks her daughter down the isle." He acted as if I was stupid. I stepped in front of him so he couldn't enter. "My husband will be doing that job. I would prefer if you would leave now." he refused to leave.

"You listen to me. My daughters don't even know who the hell you are. You would ruin Kennadee's wedding day if you showed up. Everything you said was a lie. You said you'd take care of them. Haden is a father to you. Leave and never come back, I shouldn't have to tell you twice" I hissed. Joshua came up next to me. "Is there a problem Emma?" he said as he stared into Eric's eyes, realizing who he was.

"I- I was just leaving. Wrong place" Eric stuttered as he backed out the door.

The church had been decorated beautifully. It almost looked like my wedding. As the service started. everyone gracefully walked in and stood, waiting for Kennadee. She looked stunning. Haden was crying all the way down the isle, which made Kennadee shed a few tears herself. Half the church was in tears by the "I do" from both of them, most of the tears were because people knew how bad of a condition Kennadee was in before she met Derrick. That day was flawless.

Haden cried as I comforted him.

"I'm going to miss my baby" he cried.

"She'll always be here babe" I replied.

We met up with Kennadee.

She turned to Haden and said "you're not my real dad, but I love you so much I don't even need a real dad. Because you are my real dad. I need you. I love you"

Tears fell from my daughters face.

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