My death bed.

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When I was 50, I found out I had breast cancer. My mom had passed, my children all married with children of their own. Haden and I moved into a house on the lake. We lived there in peace, spending hours together. I constantly saw my kids with their partners and children. Eli married the girl he brought to the cookout many years before. My depression had lifted, I was living a happy life with Haden. We got a dog, Charlie, to keep us company when one of us were away.

I noticed a lump while in the shower, so I went to get it looked at. I had breast cancer... treatment wasn't helping much.

I became extremely Ill.

The doctors somehow removed the tumor, treatment began making a huge difference.

After many months in the hospital, I was given the okay to go home. I laid in bed most of the time thinking about my life. My grandchildren came to visit often, Kennadee's children already driving. David's kids are the youngest, I love seeing the bobble around the rooms of our house.

I was constantly afraid of being diagnosed with cancer again. I learned to love my life too much.

By age 75, Haden and I were struggling to get stuff done. Normally we should be like this by 80 but I guess the odds weren't really in our favor. Haden had a stroke and it broke my heart. He survived it but I was constantly scared of losing the love of my life. He always told me he would be okay and that he's always there.

In the past year, Haden suffered from three strokes. I decided to get a DNR.

Haden passed away at age 83.

I followed right behind him three months later.

"I've missed you" he whispered as he greeted me.

"I've missed you too darling"

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