ER again...

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I tasted charcoal.
I was dizzy.
"Where am i?" I mumbled.
I heard footsteps up against my bed.
"You were sleeping mommy, but you wouldn't wake up and I got scared" Kennadee told me.
I stared to cry, my head throbbing in pain.
"Don't cry momma, the guy in blue woke you up with this magical black stuff" Jessica chimed in.
"Don't fall asleep again mommy, you scared me" Kennadee cried.
I whispered, "I won't darling"
Kennadee started tracing the lines on my wrist.
"How come you get to color on yourself and I don't get to?" Kennadee questioned.
I remembered my scars.
"I won't color anymore, I promise" Kennadee crawled up on the bed and Jessica followed behind her.
"We love you mommy" they both said in sync.
The rest of my family came in to visit me. Both my 2 year olds in my arms, the little ones are the only ones who didn't understand. My family almost broke.
After a while I was sent back home.
Most days were silent, the girls were napping, my family went silent around me.

The time came for me to actually get my GED. I passed the test but, I have no idea what I'm going to do. I decided that I was going to go into hair and makeup. Something easy.

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