Double trouble

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Our jaws dropped.
We both knew what's going on, and it wasn't going to be good.
"Did it?" Bridget whispered.
My mind was going 1000 miles a minute. "Maybe, I don't think it did... you?"
Bridget put her head down, "I was wasted, I wasn't paying attention."
We both hugged each other, hoping for the best.
"Come with me. we need to find out."
My stomach went upside down. I still got up and followed her out to her car. We went down to the local pharmacy in our pajamas. We grabbed four pregnancy tests, just to be sure. The checkout gave us a face of remorse.
On our way back home, I texted Eric and told him what's going on as Bridget had me text George. My parents were out spending time with Joshua and Eli hoping they will form a bond so Eric and George were coming over. They were both at the house by the time we got there. All four of us were standing in the bathroom. We made the boys leave as we tested.
Bridget was positive.
I was positive.
"Shit" I mumbled.
We hugged each other right hoping we were in some crazy nightmare, we weren't.
We both walked out in tears. Eric and George both got the message. Eric punched a wall because he knew he would be arrested, due to our ages. George was in shock. He started to cry. Bridget and George have been together for 3 years and she's never seen him cry.
"I'm not mad. I'm going to be a father. This is the best day of my life" George said.
Eric stormed out of the house and drove away, leaving me in tears. Bridget hugged me and told me that she's got my back.
When my parents got home, Bridget, George, and I sat them down to tell them the news. They were angry at first and then calmed down. Our family did have an abundance of money because both of my parents are pharmacists so they weren't worried about money. My parents told me it was probably good for me having a child so I could become happier and live for the child. I understood, then I told them how old Eric was and they weren't to happy. The house settled down, the three of us went to the store to look at prices for cribs and everything.
George and Bridget both had jobs. I normally just babysat to get money, ill need to find a job.
Two weeks later, there was still no sign of Eric. Bridget drive with me to go to his apartment. We tried to buzz in and there wasn't an answer. A neighbor let us in. We went up the stairs to his place and knocked. A tall, beautiful brunette opened the door.
"May I help you?" she asked politely.
"Yeah. is Eric here?" I asked.
"He doesn't live here anymore. He moved out a few days ago. He's a close friend but I haven't heard from him, do you need him?"
My jaw dropped. "Yeah. He's the father of my child and I need to know where he is."
You could tell she could've fainted but she held her ground.
"I think he told me something about Canada. I'm sorry. Give me your number and ill call you if I hear from him."
I gave her my number, then we left. He fled the country. Son of a bitch. Im screwed.

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