Breaking the news

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"Mom? what's wrong? Breathe! tell me!" I yelled into the phone. My mom gasped for breath as she spit out the words,

"Bridget... Lillian and George... accident... they're gone..."

I burst into tears and Haden ran up to comfort me.

They're gone.


I'd devastate my kids if I told them. They loved their cousin, aunt and uncle. I hung up and sank to the ground. Violently sobbing. Minutes later Jessica, Kennadee walked through the front door. They heard my tears and I'm guessing the looked at each other for a long time trying to figure out what they should do. Haden got up and hugged the girls.

"Bridget, George, and Lillian were in a car accident. They've been killed" Haden spoke the words calmly to the girls. I instantly heard sobs from my girls. Alex was told they're on a vacation far away, then he went into his room and brought back his favorite truck.

"Don't be sad mommy. I wove you still" he smiled at me. I pulled Alex close and kissed his forehead. Haden took Alex into his room and played with cars. I held the girls. They were born the same day as Lillian. Their hearts are almost as shattered as mine.

Kennadee went to her room then minutes later ran into the bathroom. I heard violent sobs. I realized what she was doing. I got up and ran to the bathroom. The door was locked so I broke through it. She was sitting on the cold tile floor, cutting her wrists. Pins of blood popping up everywhere. She dropped the blade when she saw me. I grabbed tissue and put pressure on her arm.

"I'm sorry mom. You're not suppose to see me like this" she cried.

"HADEN! come in here. Hurry up!!" I screamed.

Haden ran into the bathroom, he saw the tissue turning red. He got down on his knees and held her tight. "You're not my biological daughter but I still love you" he whispered in her ear.

"I didn't try to commit. I'm fine." She said with confidence. I told her the story about how she promised when she was two she would never color on herself. Haden carried Kennadee into our room and laid her on the bed. Her cuts had stopped bleeding and her tears slowly disappeared. Haden put in her favorite movie and cuddled her till she fell asleep.

I was struggling more than anyone else. My sister is gone.


My daughter cuts.

I've lost everything.

She's gone.

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