Three months in

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It was January. Bridget and I were both three months pregnant. We're about the exact same size,even though I probably look bigger because I weigh less.
There still was no sign of Eric. I at least was three months clean, which was good. Whenever I had urges Bridget stayed in the room with me and calmed me down. Earlier this week I moved into her room downstairs. George still seemed happy to be having a child and I was happy to be bringing up one on my own. I don't need a man. Just a child to keep me strong.
My parents made the announcement that a new room was being added into Bridget's, for the babies. Bridget and I also announced that we were going to go find out the gender of the babies. We filled the whole car up with people. Joshua, Eli and George were coming too.
Bridget's ultrasound came first.
It's a girl.
George teared up.
"Ill have a little princess" he said, which made my dad and George tear up.
My ultrasound was right after.
The doctor announced they were girls.
Wait -GIRLS?- well, I found out I'm having twin girls, which explains why I looked bigger.
"No boys?" Eli asked as he tugged on my moms shirt.
"No boys. You will still be able to play with them"
"Girls are yucky mom!" he stated with confidence.
What Eli had said made the whole room burst into laughter.
As we were walking out of the doctors, Bridget nudged me,
"We can save money on clothes, were both having girls"
Days at home are pretty boring. My parents both pulled Bridget out of school so there won't be bullying, my fights wouldn't be good for the girls.
Eli didn't have school for some stupid reason so I was watching the little squirt, Bridget was shopping for cribs with George.
Eli still loved playing with his cars and he still always gave me his least favorite one. He also thought it was hilarious for him to drive the cars around on my stomach using it as a mountain. Eli leaned his ear against my belly button and listened.
"Emma, the girls say they have cooties. Don't let them come out"
I couldn't help but laugh. I thought it was adorable. He put his mouth to my belly button and spoke into it,
"Don't give me cooties. Ill play with you if you don't touch me" I was really holding back my laugh now.
Eli played till he crashed on the floor next to my laptop. Around noon Eli woke up and I asked him if he wanted to go on an adventure -the paint store- he eagerly hopped into the car and I strapped him in.
I picked out paint colors Bridget would agree with, purple. I took the samples and left. I forgot Eli had to eat, we went trough the drive through of a crappy fast food place and got him a kids meal. I think he only wanted food because of the toy but he still ate his fries.
Our house is always cold because the new room isn't fully built yet. I'm always in a blanket, Bridget cuddles George which means more blankets for me.
Bridget came back with three cribs.
"Hey, I bought you your cribs because your birthday is coming up and I just felt like it" she told me.
"You didn't have to! I had some money saved for cribs."
"Whatever. I love you!" then she left the room.
The next morning something was wrong. Bridget didn't look right.

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