The Voices

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"What? What do you mean it's still alive?" Jungkook inquired with confusion.

Jimin looked very unnerved and his body was slightly quivering even though it wasn't the slightest bit cold. "The man... I hear him. He's whispering in my ears and he's haunting me. Jungkook, it won't leave me alone!" He cried as he curled up and placed his hands over his ears.

Jungkook was shocked by this news. "What? You could hear it? What does it want with you and where is it right now?"

Jimin just shook his head and unknowingly started to hyperventilate, the dark bags under his eyes deepening and the sheer sweat running down his pale skin like raindrops against a window pane.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm here." Jungkook says as he reached over and embraced the smaller very gently. "Focus on my voice, Jimin."

The other seemed to have calmed down a little after listening to his advice and allowing Jungkook's beautiful voice hum a soft tune in his ears. That alone made him feel at ease.

"Jimin, what's going on?" Jungkook asked worriedly after realizing,

This isn't just some cold. His illness is getting worse because of a different reason.

Jimin weakly leaned against Jungkook's chest and shut his eyes. "I've been hearing these- voices- for weeks and I feel like I'm being both physically and mentally drained. I think the voices belong to all the innocent people I've killed in my life and their families. They won't let me rest, so I can barely sleep at night." He sighs heavily and rubs his forehead with two fingers. "I wish they left me alone."

Jungkook felt a twinge of sorrow tug at his insides at the exhausted voice of the mage. He moved his hand so it slowly intertwined with Jimin's tiny fingers. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"...I thought I could handle it on my own. I thought I was strong enough," Jimin responds with a feeble voice, "but I was wrong. It's torture, Jungkook. The guilt is eating me out from the inside."

Jungkook was angry. He was angry that Jimin tried to handle the pain all by himself again, that he kept another secret from him and tried to put a tough shield around himself.

"Jimin, you can't keep doing this. You can't keep trying to do everything on your own. Please, let me help you." Jungkook pleaded as he held both Jimin's hands in his. He was surprised to feel them not as cold as before and nearly normal temperature.

Jimin's dark eyes scanned Jungkook's face, and the younger swore he saw a glint of blue flash through them.

"I don't need help. I'm fine on my own."

"Bullshit. Stop trying to act strong! Can't you just let go of your pride and let people help you for once?" Jungkook hissed. "You're not alone anymore, Jimin. You have me, so ask me to help you!"

The older then glared half-heartedly at him. "Why should I? Just because we forgave each other for the past, doesn't mean I've changed, Jungkook! In case you forgot, I'm still an ice mage, meaning my heart and body can't feel real emotions and pain the way you feel them!"

Jungkook then pushed forward and locked lips with Jimin's, grabbing the back of his neck so he wouldn't pull away.

But he didn't. Jimin simply sat still and kissed back with quivering lips moving against Jungkook's. The younger frowned when he tasted a hint of salt and opened his eyes to see tears escaping Jimin's eyes.

He pulled away and wiped a thumb gently beneath his eyes. "Stop putting yourself down like that, hyung... You're not a monster, and even the coldest ice can't touch a heart."

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