chapter three never again

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Things were going great with steve and pony being a couple. Darry and two-bit were ok with it when they found out, they were a bit surprised at first but could see how happy the two were around each other. Steve would make sure pony got to abd from school safely unless work got in the way.

It was a thursday afternoon. Pony had a track meet this day and steve had the day off work. Steve had been home most of the day with his drunk dad. All day he listened to his dad call him worthless and a waiste of space until he finally passed out. Steve grabbed his keys and made his way to bucks. After a few drinks and feeling a little tipsy he headed to the school.

Pony got in the car and steve drove away fom the school. "Steve, where are we going?" Pony realised the were heading in the opposite direction from his house. They drove for about 20 minutes before steve pulled into a vacant lot. He leaned over and started kissing pony with a little force. Pony tried to push him off. "Steve gave you been drinking" the houng greaser asked a little concerned. "Yeah, so what, i don't need your permission" steve snapped before jumping on top of his young boyfriend.

"Steve stop" pony screamed. He loved steve, but he was acting strange and forceful and this scared pony. Steve got angry and slapped pony accross the face. Somehow pony managed to push steve off of him and he got out of the car. He started to run. Steve realised what he had done. "Fuuuuccckkkk" steve yelled.

"Pony, baby i am so sorry" steve yelked after pony. Pony turned around and could see steve crying. He walked back over to steve. "Why did you do that steve?" Pony asked. He had tears in his eyes from the sting of the slap and of how scared he was. "I'm so sorry baby, i let my dad get to me and i took it out on you. I'll understand if you never want anything to do with me ever" steve was sobbing so hard.

"I love you steve, just don't ever do that again" pony cried. Steve put his arms around pony and kissed pony's cheek where he slapped him. "I promise i will never ever hit you or hurt you e er again. I truely am sorry baby. I love you so much" steve promised.

They drove back to the curtis house. Steve slept in pony's room and held him in his arms all night, never wanting to let go.  Darry and soda didn't mind the two sharing a bed when steve stayed over.

A week after the drama, pony asked darry if steve could move in. So thats just what steve did. He loves his dad, but he loves pony more.

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