chapter eight steve's mom

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"Jack i wanna see my son" elizabeth summers (formally randle) demanded. She had shown up on her ex husbands doorstep. "You don't deserve to see him, you left remember and i had to pick up the pieces and explain why you were never coming back" jack randle yelled. "I going to see my son one way or another, and then i'm going to convince him to come to l.a".

Steve was working on a car at the dx while soda worked the counter. Evie was at her part time job as a hair dresser and pony was at school. At lunch time two-bit and pony geaded to the dx. "Hey guys, grab yourselves a pepsi" soda greeted the two. "Hi babe, could you come take a look at something in the garage". Steve spoke directly to pony.

Pony followed steve out to the garage. Eve pulled pony into a back room and clised the door. Steve started to undo pony's pants. "Bend over i want you so bad right now" steve demanded. Pony did as he was told. A moan escaped his lips as he felt steve enter him. "Fuck, you feel so good right now baby" steve spoke. "Oh god make me cum babe" pony begged. Steve grabbed pony's cock and began to pleasure him.

"Excuse me, could you tell me if steven randle works here" a lady in her late 30's early 40's asked. "Depends who's asking" soda said. "Sodapop curtis is that you" she asked when she read the name tag. "You probably don't remember me, i use to be good friends with your mom". Soda looked at the lady a little more closely, "mrs randle, is that you?" Soda questioned.

"Actually it's mrs summers now" she answered. "Um i'm gonna go get steve, just wait here". Just as steve and pony both reached their climax tere was a bang on the door. "Hey steve, there's someone here to see you" soda yelled. Pony and steve did up there pants. Steve kissed pony's lips before walking out the door.

"Who is it soda?" Steve asked. "I think you better come see buddy". When steve walked into the shop he recognised the woman straight away. "Mom" he gasped. "Hello steven" his mom said. "It's steve" he snapped.  "Steve i know you must hate me right now, and i know you deserve to know why i left, and please believe me when i tell you i had my reasons" she tried to reason.

"Oh you had your reasons, what about me huh, did you ever stop to think about your son"  steve snapped again. "Hey come on buddy, lets take a walk huh" soda stepped in.  Soda snd steve walked around the block. "Look man, why don't you take the rest of the day off, take some time to tnink about things" soda suggested.

Steve took soda'a advice and headed to his apartment. "He just needs time go cool off" soda told everyone when he got back to the shop without steve. Two-bit took pony back to school. "Soda please try and talk to steve, and could you please give him this" she handed him a piece of paper. "Its the number of the motel where i'm staying" she explained. And with that she left.

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