chapter six steve's apartment

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Steve had been living at the curtis's for about a month now. And even thougn they didn't seem to mind, steve felt he needed his own space. "Come on steve, where are you taking me" pony asked his boyfriend. They hadn't been driving long when steve pulled up next to a tall building.

"Come in, i got somethin to show you" steve said all excited. They took the stairs to the third floor. They stopped when they reached a door with the number 624. They stood there for a moment.  "Are you gonna knock?" Pony asked getting a little curious as to why they were even there. "No need babe, i have a key" steve pulled a key from his pocket and unlocked the door.

The two stepped inside. "Uh steve, why do you have a key to this place?" Pony asked. "Because baby, this place is mine" steve smiled.  "Are you serious" pony smiled back. 

Realising they were both alone, pony closed the door. Steve picked him up and carried him to the bedroom. "Wow i can't believe we now have a place where we can be alone". Steve laid pony on the bed. This wasn't going to be just a quick fuck. Steve wanted to make love to pony.

He took his time undressing his young lover, caressing him and placing light kisses over his body. He slowly began to undress himself, before he began to getly touch pony's sweet spot. "Auhh" pony started to moan. Steve pressed his lips to pony's and gently entered his body. He took his time letting his lover feel him inside.

"I love you so much" steve whisperd into pony's lips. His thrusts were slow and deep, he was in no rush. "I love you too steve" pony managed to get out through his moans. He and steve had had sex before, but this was someting else. This felt truely amazing.

The best part was, after they finished, neither one was in a hurry to get dressed and rush off somewhere. They laid in each others arms and went to sleep. They both woke up an hour later still in each others arms. Steve kissed the top pony's head. "How about i fix us something to eat" steve suggested. "Pony was about pull steve back into bed, when his stomache let out a growl. "Yeah that sounds great". Pony agreed.

Turns out steve is actually a pretty good cook.

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