chapter five taking care of a sick boyfriend

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Steve went into pony'ys room to see if he was ready for school. When he opened the door he found his favorite curtis still fast asleep. Steve walked over to the bed and was about to move the covers. "No it's too cold" his boyfriend moaned. Steve was surprised at this cause outside it was actually quite warm. Steve felt pony's head. "Wow baby, you do feel kinda hot".

Steve went back downstairs. "Hey darry, i think pony might have a fever". Darry ran upstairs to check on his baby brother. "Hey pone, you feelin ok?" Darry felt pony's head. "No, i feel like i wanna throwup dar. Please don't make me go to school today" pony begged. He really must be sick if he doesn't want to go to school darry thought.

"Ok little buddy, you can stay home but you are to rest and drink plenty of fluids ok" "ok dar". Darry went back downstairs. He was about to call his boss. "Hey darry, you should go to work, i don't have to be at work til 3.00pm today, and i've already graduated. So   i don't mind taking cate of pony. Besides two-bit will probably be here soon anyway" steve offered. "Alright, but make sure he gets plenty of rest, and try and get him go eat and drink" darry gave steve instructions and headed out the door.

"Ok baby, just me and you, so whats it gonna be, bed or couch?" Pony decided on the couch. That way he could be closer to steve and the tv of course. Not that he watched much tv, he was too tired. Steve helped him to the couch and covered him with a blanket. He put an empty trash can beside the couch.

Just as pony started to doze off, the front door slammed open. In walked two-bit. "Dam it two-bit" steve snapped. "Sorry" two-bit said noticing the kid was asleep on the couch. "Whats up with little curtis" "he's sick" steve snapped. Two-bit sat himself in front of the tv. He turned it on but kept the volume down real low.

Steve tried to get pony to eat something. "Come on babe, you gotta try and eat, it'll help settle your stomache" "later" pony just moaned. Steve sat on the  couch and put pony's head on his lap. "Ok sweetheart, you just get some sleep and you can try and eat later ok" steve stroked pony's hair til he was fast asleep.

Steve felt bad that his boyfriend was sick. But he was glad that he was the one that got to take care of him. Good practice for the future he thought to himself. He kissed the top of pony's head. "I love you baby" he whispered as he watched the yonger boy sleep.

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