chapter fourteen "waking up screaming"

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Soda had been gone almost four months already. Pony had been spending most of his time at steve's. Darry had started going out more, he had even gotten himself a girlfriend. Evie's belly was getting bigger. She had moved into the curtis's house.

Steve was fast asleep in his bed with ponyboy lying next to him. He was woken up to pony moving around so much he almost fell out of bed. "What is it baby" steve asked not getting  any response frm his boyfriend. "Pony baby, you gotta wake up your having a bad dream" steve said trying to shake pony gently. "SODAPOP" pony started screaming. He was getting histerical.

Steve got out of bed and grabbed a glass of water. He threw it in pony's face. Pony gasped. "What was that for" he snapped. "You were having a nigntmare and i couldn't wake you" steve responded. He sat back on the bed. Pony made his way into steve's arms. "Do you wanna talk about it" steve asked. "I miss soda" pony replied.

"He'll be home before we know it, and he'll have a kid to come home too". Steve soothed. "I love you steve" steve kissed the top of pony's head. Pony turned around and kissed steve's lips. "I love you too baby, now lets try and go back to sleep" steve suggested.


2 months had gone by since pony had woken up screaming and the nightmares haven't stopped. Darry and steve took him to a doctor who told pony he was so attached to his brother, that being without him for so long could have this kind of effect on him. He prescribed some sleeping pills.

On june 15 1966 evie gave birth to a beautiful little girl. She looked just like her dad. She came into the world screaming. All the boys were there to greet the newest family member. Evie decided to let soda name her. So while they had to wait a sometime for soda's reply, they called her baby curtis.


My dearest sodapop, i can't even begin to tell you how much i miss you. We all hope you are well. I can't wait forthe day you return home to me and meet your daughter. She is the most precious little thing. She already has her uncles wrapped around her little finger. I haven't been able to choose a name for her yet. Tell me what you think. I have enclosed some pics of her and the family. I love you so much. Stay safe and come home to us. Love always evie xx

After reading the letter, soda felt his  cheeks get wet. He had been crying. "Hey buddy, you ok" mac one of soda's marine buddy's asked. "Yeah man, my girlfriend sent me a pic of my baby girl. I haven't met her yet. Evie was only a few weeks pregnant when i got drafted" soda had explained. He showed mac the picture.

"She looks just like you man, congratulations buddy" mac said handing back the photo. "Thanks man, she still doesn't have a name yet though" soda said.


Dear evie, i miss you so much too baby. Thanks for the picks of our daughter, i am so proud of you. I wish i was there doing my daddy duties. Anyway i was thinkin we could call her rosemary, if thats ok with you. It just seems fitting since she's pretty as a rose and my mom's name was mary. Maybe you can even add your mom's name if thats what you want. Anyway i am ok for now, really can't wait to hold my daughter and have you both in my arms. Love to both my girls sodapop curtis

Evie wept as she read soda's letter. Pony was holding his niece, making her smile, she had her daddy's cheesey grin. "Does anyone want to know what the baby's name is?" Evie asked entering the room. "Yes" they all spoke at once. "Soda has asked that we call her rosemary, he says she's pretty like a rose, and wanted your mom added" she said looking at darry and pony.

Darry picked rosemary up "it's perfect" he said kissing her little cheek.

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