chapter 17 steve's mom doesn't know

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So for christmas steve got pony a kitten, but what did pony get steve well...

"Mom what are you doing here" sreve exclaimed seeing his mom at the door. "Merry christmas steve, sorry its late" pony replied. "How" steve asked pony while hugging his mom. "I have my ways,  besides your mom was missing you" pony explained.

"Let me take you out for dinner baby, we can drop ponyboy off on the way" steve's mom suggested. "Sure mom" steve agreed. "Uh steve, can i talk to you" pony requested. Steve followed pony to their bedroom.

"Whats going on steve, have you told your mom about us" pony asked somehow already knowing the answer. "I've tried telling her, but then she goes on about someday becoming a grandma, and how she can't wait to see me settled down with a nice girl" steve tried to explain. "I mean what am i supposed to say, sorry mom i'm gay".

"Yes" pony snapped grabbing a bag. He started throwing clothes and other personal items in it. "What are you doing" steve asked grabbing pony's bag. "Whats it look like" pony snapped again. "I'd rather crash on my brothers couch than here right now" pony was about to walk out the door.

"Pony wait" he turned around hoping steve would say something, but it wasn't what he expected. "What about shelby" steve asked and with that pony slammed the door.

"Did i say something wrong" steves mom asked at dinner. "No, listen mom, theres something i need to tell you" steve started yo say. "You know you can tell me anything" mrs randle said holding her hand out to her son.

"Mom, theres no easy way to say this, but i'm gay and ponyboy and me well we've been living together for a while now. I love him mom, more than i've ever loved anyone or any thing" steve felt a wave of releaf as he finally told his mom the truth.

"Oh, i see. You know steve i may have hopes and dreams for you, but i never thought there'd be a day where you were afraid to tell me something as important as this" she said sounding a little hurt.

"I'm sorry mom, i just didn't wanna let you down" steve started to cry. "Steve honey, you could ne er ley me down. Now lets finish up dinner and go pick up your boyfriend" she suggested.


"Darry, i'm crashing on the couch" pony called coming through the front door. "Whats wrong with steve's apartment" darry asked. "Steve's whats wrong with it" was all pony said before lying on the couch.

"Did you two have a fight" soda asked carrying rosie in his arms. He had just given her a bath. "I think he's ashamed of me" pony stated. "Why would he be ashamed of you, i know steve better than anyone, and i can see how much he loves you" soda tried reasoning. "Well right now he's bein a jerk, he couldn't even tell his mom about us" pony had started to cry. He loved steve so much.

"Babe, can you take rosie" soda alked his fiance. Evie came and grabbed rosie from her daddy. Soda had already put on her pajamas and evie needed to feed her before putting her down.

Soda gave pony a hug "things will work out little brother, you'll see"


Steve parked his car in front of the curtis house. "I'm so sorry baby" steve spoke as he made his way over to the couch where soda was holding pony. Pony still hadn't looked up.

"I told my mom about us, and she was ok with it. Even if she  wasn't then thats her problem. Come home baby please " steve pleaded. Soda swiched places with steve. Pony was now in steve's arms. "I love you baby, and i really am sorry" steve pleaded. "I love you too you jerk" pony responded.

Pony went to get in steve's car. Before he did, steve's mom got out and gave pony a hug. "Thank you for making my son so happy" she said with a smile. She let pony slide into the middle so he could sit next to steve.

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