chapter twelve last day in tulsa for a while

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Since it would be steve' s day with pony and the gang for a few months, the boys all wanted to do something special. It started out by soda and two-bit wrestling with steve on the floor as they wrestled like old times. The room was filled with shouts and laughter. Pony couldn't help but smile down at his lover, seeing how happy he was in that moment.

After the little fiasco, darry brought in some chocolste cake and pepsi. Pepsi was usually a no no for breakfast but it was a special occasion. Darry also new both his brothers especially pony, were gonna need a lot of cheering up after tomorrow. "Your the best superman" steve exclaimed as he took a piece of cake. "Yeah well you just remember who your family is and you come home to us" darry said rubbing steve's head.

Pony felt a tear leave his eye at the mention of steve leaving. Soda put his arm around his brother's shoulder. "Seve will be back before you know it kiddo" he whispered. Pony got up and went into his room. He didn't want to spoil steve's last day. But he wasn't alone for long. Steve wrapped his arms around ponyboy's waist. "I know this is hard babe, but it won't be forever. But i think i deserve a chance to get to know my mom better" steve tried to reason.

"I know that steve, doesn't mean i aint gonna miss you though" pony cried. Steve held him for a while until he calmed down. "Hey you know what i wanna do today" steve was suddenly all excited. Pony turned around to find steve had a smirk on his face. "What" pony asked a little curious. "I wanna go skinny dipping" pony's face went beet red. "What with everyone?" Pony asked. "Yep"

Both guys were laughing as they walked back into the living room hand in hand. "And where have you two been" two-bit smirked. "Tell em your idea babe" pony looked at steve grinning. "Lets go to the lake" steve announced. "Oh and don't worry about your swimmers".

The day had been a fun filled day. Once they all got dressed from their swim darry lit a fire. Evie had shown up at this point and was wrapped in soda's arms. Pony was sitting on steve's lap. 'It was a great way to end a perfect day, being surrounded by the people he loved most in the world' steve thought to him self as he wrapped his arms around pony.

Before they all went to bed steve had a few things  to say. "Soda you are the bestest buddy i guy could ever have, i love you man, but you are more than just my best friend, brother". He handed soda a set of keys. "I want you to take care of my car while i'm gone, and you can use my apartment when you need to". Soda stood up and hugged his best friend. "You take care of him evie, i am so glad you have each other" evie gave him a hug "thanks stevie" he smiled at her pet name for him.

"Two-bit as much as you can be somewhat annoying, i think thats what i'll miss most about you buddy, hopefully you might have a job when i return home" both boys cracked up laughing at this statement. "No promises" two-bit joked plaufully punching steve's arm.

"Hey superman" steve was starting to tear up. "You have always been like a big brother to me, took care of me when my old man was bein a jerk, patched me up whenever i needed it, and always made sure i had place to stay. Thanks for everything darry" darry gave steve one of his famous bear hugs. "Our door is always open for you" darry said.

Now came the hardest goodbye of all. "Come on pone" steve said taking pony's hand. They headed over to the lot. Johnny had once told pony it was a great place to watch the sunset. Steve sat down on the old car seat that was there and pulled pony down onto his lap.

Steve held pony in his arms as they wat hed the sun set. "I love you more than anything else in the world" steve whispered in his lovers ear. "I love you too  pony whisperd back. The kissed each others lips not wanting the moment to end. Steve pulled something out of his pocket. He placed a chain around pony's neck.

On the chain was a ring. It was one of steve's most treasured posessions. It was a ring his grandmoter had given to him after his mother had left. Steve treasured this ring more than anything especially since his grandma had passed away. She loved steve more than anything.  "I want you to take good care of this, and this will be my promise that i will be coming home".

There was nothing more that they could say to each other. They headed home not letting go of each other. Pony went to his room and came back out holding a book. "This is my favourite book in the whole world, its the last book i read with johnny before he died. I want you to keep it with you, and when you come home bring it with you" steve took the book.

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