chapter thirteen another departure

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Steve's been gone for almost 3 months. He calls pony every night before he goes to sleep. "I'll be home before you know it baby" he says. "I sure hope so steve. I miss you so much". Pony told steve how much he missed him everytime they spoke. But there was something different in the way he spoke this time. "Pony, you ok? Is something wrong?" Steve questioned. Pony started to bawl.

"Oh steve, what am I going to do, soda got drafted to veitnam" pony cried. "Oh shit, i am so sorry baby. Listen i am going to try and get an earlier flight home ok" steve announced. He couldn't stand the the thought of his boyfriend hurting so bad without him there to comfort him. He new how close pony and soda were. And even though he was madly in love with the youngest curtis, sodapop was still his best friend.

A week later steve returned home. Before he went to see ponyboy, he decided to head over to the dx to visit his best friend. "Well well if it aint sodapop curtis" steve teased. "Steve, is that rwally you buddy" soda joked back. The two boys hugged. They hadn't seen each other in three months.

"Whats this i hear about you being drafted" steve asked a little more serious this time. "Let me guess, pony told you" "he's just scared man. He's afraid of losing another family member" steve responded.

"I just wanted something to show for my life" soda answered his best buddy. "So hows evie taking it" steve asked. "She cries every time i see her" soda responded. Steve grasped soda's shoulder. "Come on lets go home, i know pony will be happy to see you.


Soda and steve walked into the curtis house. Steve was barely in the door when he had pony in his arms. "God i missed you" steve spoke first. Pony kissed steve's lips not caring who was watching. Steve kissed him back. They had a lot of lost time to catch up on.

They broke from their embrace so steve could say hi to the rest of the gang. They all sat and ate dinner together, it was as if steve had never left. After dinner steve took pony back to his apartment.


Steve and pony were barely in the door when they started tearing each others clothes off. "I want you so bad right now" steve demanded. "Steve, i want you in me, i need you in me" pony begged. They never even made it to the bedroom. Steve held pony against the wall. He spread his lovers legs and slid his fingers inside. "Please steve, fuck me" steve spread pony a little further and took him from behind.

He pounded pony's tight little arse so hard pony let out a loud moan. Steve pulled out and turned the younger boy around, he wrapped pony's legs around his waiste. He thrust into his lover so hard and fast. Pony moaned and begged for steve to fuck him harder.

Steve carried pony to the bedroom "get on your hands and knees baby, i'm gonna fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk properly. Pony abliged steve entered without warning. He grunted into each deep thrust. Pony moaned in pleasure as steve kept hitting his sweet spot. "Stroke yourself baby, but don't cum til i say" steve demanded.

Pony loved it when steve took charge. Steve could feel pony nearing his climax. He squeezed pony's ball sack. "Uh uh not yet baby" the pleasure was becoming too much for the younger lover. Seeing his bofriend needing his release caused steve to cum in pony's arse. He kept hold of pony's balls. "Tell me what you want" steve demanded. "I want to cum, please steve make me cum" steve roled his lover over. He stroked pony so hard pony cried out.

He screamed as his seed began to spill out. He had never felt so much pleasure. Steve wasn't done yet though. He spread pony'x lefs again and proceeded to enter his young lover again. Pony let out a painful moan. But didn't take long to enjoy his arse being pounded again.


The next morning pony was so sore he could barely walk to the bathroom. Steve helped him into the shower. The two couldn't keep their hands of each other. They ended up having shower sex before getting out to have breakfast.


A week later everyone went to the station with sodapop to say their goodbyes. Evie told soda she loved him and that she was pregnant. So he better return home to his baby. Everyone else was hapoy with the news,  but still sad to see soda go. They all waved goodbye as the train left the station.

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