Grave Improtance

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"Astella." we all said in unison. She looked just about as surprised as we did.

"Yeah, weird right. I'm two for two this week. Anyone have a bottle of water?" Dr. Banner picked up his own and tossed it to her barely stopping to look up. She caught it with ease and downed the rest of it.

"I'll get you another one." Banner shook his head.

"It's fine. I can get it later." he replied.

"Too late." Astella said as she opened the door, i assumed with her mind, and caught yet another water bottle that flew into her grasp.

"You've been practicing." Tony commented.

"Yeah, I've gotten a hell of a lot better." she said walking over to set the bottle next to Banner. He smiled at her and continued to tap away at the computer. "Heard you were here Tony. Literally i could hear you guys through the walls. You weren't shouting or anything. It just woke me up. Glad it did too." she walks over and kisses me lightly. Before i can wrap my arms around her she's gone. "Have you seen Phil? I need to talk to him." i think she's talking to me.

"Uhh no. I haven't seen him recently." Astella purses her lips and doesn't respond.

"Just tell us." Clint suggests, but Astella shakes her head.

"This is something Coulson needs to hear. I'm sorry guys.." That's weird. Astella has this look in her eyes. She's on guard, defensive. Natasha and Clint can sense it too.

"How about you tell us while we're on our way to him?" Natasha pressures stepping closer to Astella. Her eyes flash, but not yellow, red. Seconds later Natasha cries out and shakes out her hand. There's a ripe red burn mark etched across the back of her hand.

"Oh my god Natasha!" Astella yelps grabbing her hand but Natasha pulls back.

"You did this." she accuses and Clint narrows his eyes as he glances at Natasha's hands.

"I didn't mean too i swear. I'm so sorry!" Astella stammers out. Clint rummages through a cabinet behind him searching for a first aid kit.

"Save it." Natasha hisses turning away from her. Astella opens her mouth but stops herself and ends up grinding her teeth before pouting slightly.

"Hey how about we go find Coulson." i say touching her shoulder. She doesn't look up at me but nods her head and the doors push themselves out. Glancing towards Banner and Tony who are exchanging a look i follow Astella out the door. "Hey wait up!" i call out as she quickly turns a corner.

"Oh.. Sorry." she mutters kicking at the ground, her boots scuffing the floor.

"It's fine. Are you okay?" i ask as we continue on our way. Astella shrugs.

"I've.. I've remembered some things Steve." She should be happy but she doesn't sound like she is.

"Isn't that a good thing?" i ask. Astella bites her lip and clasps her hands behind her back.

"No. This isn't good." Every bone in my body is screaming to push harder. Get her tell me what she means but i keep my mouth shut.

"It can't be that bad." Astella doesn't reply right away.

"I might be compromised." I grab her shoulders and push her lightly against the wall and force her to look me in the eye.

"You are not compromised." I hate that word. I don't even want her to think it, let alone say it.

"But i might be Captain. I'm a flight risk." she shakes her head sadly and stares at the floor.

"You were always a flight risk." she smiles gently but the smile doesn't reach her eyes.

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