Agent Krüger

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Agent Krüger landed lightly on the balls of her feet on the balcony of Stark Towers. With a toss of her blonde hair, Agent Krüger flicked her wrist and willed the sliding glass door to open. She glided across the floor not wanting to touch the ground they walked upon. The door slid closed behind her and Agent Krüger drifted silently down the hallway. She stopped in room of the one they call Iron Man first. That red headed girl was with him, as expected. She was curled up on her side against him. Agent Krüger grinned mischievously as she touched both of their foreheads with her fingertips. They didn't wake, in fact they fell into an even deeper sleep.

Without lifting a finger Agent Krüger floated both of them out of their rooms back into the lounge and tied them up before moving to Banner's room. He was even easier than the other two. His sleeping form quickly joined the others along with Clint's, and Thor's. When Agent Krüger stopped in the Captain's room though and found cold sheets and a gently used bed she rolled her eyes.she knew where he was.

After a quick stop off at the girls floor, Agent Krüger sent Agent Hill and Agent Romanoff up the elevator and on the floor with the rest. Now it was on to the notorious Steve Rogers, AKA Captain America. Then it was back to Hydra to get her revenge.

"Just Astella." Why? Why just Astella? Why not all of them? He was two feet one way and Natasha was five feet another way. Why just her? What did they want with her? Hadn't she been through enough already? I would have punched a gaping hole into the punching bag and sent it flying across the room if Tony hadn't warned me that another dent in his wall he'd throw me out. I wasn't worried about his empty threats but I did feel bad for denting his precious building.

Sighing and wiping the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand, I steadied the punching bag. My ears strained against the silence but all I could hear was my labored breathing and... Someone else trying to hide the fact they were breathing. Turning around I expected to find Natasha, Tony, or Clint, they were usually the ones to come and get me if I had been down here too long. When I turned though there was nobody and the sound of someone else breathing had disappeared. The hair on the back of my neck rose and a chill ran down my spine. Someone was hear. Even if I couldn't hear them breathing I could hear their heartbeat. They must be close. Something dropped down in my from above.pretty hard I might add. I blacked out and it takes a lot to knock me out.

I woke up with a groan to find myself on cold, hard, dusty ground. Not the kind of ground you would find in Stark Towers but the kind you might find.. "Ahh sleeping beauty is finally awake!" A voice exclaimed. "Now the fun can really begin." That voice. I knew that voice. I tried to sit up but seeing as my hands were tied behind my back and my feet were tied as well it was proving difficult. When I finally did manage to sit up I found Tony, Clint, Natasha, Maria, Bruce and Thor scattered around nearby tied up similarly.

"Great. The fun can begin." Tony muttered. Natasha glared at him but the arrogant ma just shrugged. A figure dressed in all black stood with her face darkened by the fact that the moonlight was hitting only the back of her head stood before us. She also held a familiar red and yellow suitcase in her hand.

"Oh I have so looked forward to this. For years actually." The figure stepped closer and I could just make out the blonde hair.

"Years?" Clint repeated.

"Yes Agent Barton!" She snapped at him viciously. "Years. The time has finally come. I am finally ready. Hydra made me ready." She said a bit triumphantly.

"Astella?" I questioned trying to get a closer look at her face. The German accent I had picked up didn't sound right and the blonde hair wasn't right either but that was definitely Astella. Hydra could dress her up, dress her down and change her voice but there was no fooling me. I knew Astella. This was her.

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