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"Neal, are you in position? What is it like around you?"

"All is suitable. Machines are fixed and prepared. Gun is loaded. Wind is still. The way is fairly clear. All is under control."

"Can you direct the camera? Yes... this is good. Are those cranks over there eating from the garbage?!"


"Who would believe those were humans like you and me one day?!"

"Aye... You see them, Sorcha?"

"They are in the coming van. They're getting closer.The driver is having some problems with the cranks."

"Great. Target is in sight. He's almost in position."

"My lord! Don't tell me that's Newt!What happened to him?!"

"He was in Cranks Palace, not Buckingham. What were you expecting him to be like?!"

"My God! She's taken his life and now his brains. I want her dead, Neal. Ava Page. Dead. I can't live on earth if she's alive!"

"Revenge later. We have to save what we can of the boy now. You're sure you want to do this?"

"There's no other way, Neal."

"You know he won't forgive you for it."

"I care for his life. This is what matters, Neal. I can't let him go. I'll do whatever it takes for him. Hey! Look! Thomas is getting down the van. Is that a gun with him? Oh, no! Please, no! No! No! No! My God, please, help! Please, Thomas! Can you get closer, Neal? Are they talking? I want to listen to them."

"I'm not sure you want this, but..."

"You expected a bloody hug?!"

"Is this Newt talking, Neal? I want to hear him. Please, get a bit closer."

"I can't get any closer. I would be in the danger of being exposed then, Sorcha. You'll have your whole life to listen to him later."

"Please, Neal. Just a bit."

"You wanna know why I have this limp, Tommy? Did I ever-"

Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. *Call ended.*

"Neal? What happened? Why did you close the call? Neal? What is he saying? NEAL!"

"Sorry, Sorcha.  Plans have been changed. This is for your own good."

Screen flashes white then goes black.

"Neal? Neal! NEAL! What the hell did you do, Neal?! Neal, answer me now! What are you doing? Neal, I tell you to open this call on instant! Neal, please, answer me! NEAL, WHERE'S MY SON?!"

"Please, Tommy. Please."


"Ne-Ne- Newt! Newt! What happened? Please, answer me, Neal! Please. Where's my son? Neal, what happened to my son? Show him to me. I swear if a hair of him has been-"

"Just pulled the trigger, Sorcha. Prep your equipment.We're on our way. Your son is alive."


Hello!! I hope you have enjoyed reading!! What do you think has happened? And who do you think are Sorcha and Neal? If you've liked this chapter, please consider voting for it, and I'd be glad to get your feedback too. Thank you for reading <3


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